Twelve years

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Millie's eyes traveled at the beauty of the sea. She smiled crookedly as she caught Finn staring at her while he paddled. He blushed into scarlet and looked away.

There was a moment of silence as both marveled at the beauty of the scenery.

"So," Finn started after a while. "Can I know who the real Millie is now?" Millie hugged her knees to her chest and after a while loosened up. Sighing, she got her fishing rod and dipped the bottom of the string to the water.

"It started when I was a kid, actually." she said after hesitating. She was new to this. Noah had already knew her problem, so she had never let the situation basically come out of her lips and form into words.

"I was 4 or 5, I cant remember. There was this school play where I got to be casted for lead," she smiled a little, remembering how the school auditorium was prepared with fairy lights and Santa Claus ornaments. Finn listened intently. "I played Sophia, she was this nice girl that loved Christmas.. and from what I can remember, she had trouble because she was sick with some illness. I was so happy and so proud, being just this little girl. My eyes would always land on my parents every single time I was on the stage, in the limelight. And it hurt, that everytime I found them, they were using their phones and had to go out because of a call.." her voice cracked, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Finn watched pitifully-- every word was a bit of painful truth. He wasnt known to this side of life, not yet.

"I remember at the end of the play, where the cast would line up and be introduced, when my name was called, I looked at them, wished they were part of the people that stood and gave rounds of applause.. but my dad was seated down, his phone in his hand, I didnt know where my mom was and, I just cried in front, and ran backstage." she was turning red, ashamed. She was a black sheep in their town of family and unity, who knew nothing of it.

Time was fast when she talked about her experiences. Finn took no notice of it. He was so interested in her stories that he didn't notice his rod was pulling.

He never knew that someone could feel that. Parentd are the most basic source of everything-- it is where you are taught how to love and how to forgive.

"I guess that's why Im like this." she said softly. "Why Im horrible, and stupid."

Finn opened his lips to protest, but he didn't want to comfort her with a lie. She was indeed mean, there was no doubt in that statement.

"No one seemed to listen, you know?" she said while wiping her cheeks that were stained with tears. "No one seemed to ever care. Twelve years, and all I've ever proven is I'm mean."

"It's Beverly. It's always been Beverly." she said bitterly, her eyes starting to pool again.

"Who's Beverly?" Finn asked, frowning.

"She's my sister that has cancer."

Finn stopped for a moment, and felt a shudder down his spine. It must be the hardest for Millie to survive the pain in seeing her sister get hurt.


Millie's face dropped slightly. "It was like she was everything," she whispered. "And I was the last resort, the second option."

Finn stared at her, pity in his eyes. "I--I.. I never.. I never knew." his voice was low. He felt a sense of embarrassment for having judged her without knowing her story.

"And you know what's painful?" she added after a while, getting her rod and placing a fish in one of their buckets. "No one seemed to listen."

Twelve years has she been left alone in the cold, without a coat or a protection. She has been in the storm for so long without an umbrella. A person who comes back from hell just cant be the same anymore. You cant expect a person left alone in the snow without a jacket to be warm and cheery right after. Neither to a person from the storm without an umbrella to still be healthy and strong.

Behind the mean image, is a person yearning to be understood. A child wanting to feel love.

hiii guys omg my semestral break is coming to an end!! *cries* urgh i hate school. if sem break ends, i might be able to update not as much. im so sorry :-( i hope you guys will still wait hahaha.

thank you very much once again for your comments and votes, they have a very big impact on me and serve as my inspiration. thank you! (btw if u noticed it says 12 years hahaha so i decided Millie is 13 bc i have a plan 😁😁😁 finn is 14. FINAL AGE)

*Delia 💋 Go read Take A Chance by Claire and In Between! Two Choices by Scarlet will be coming soon 😎

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