Ten tubes

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A girl with brown hair that reached up to her shoulders lay on the hospital bed, her curls like caramel as it seemed to be falling down her shoulders. Her eyes were closed and her breathing calm, as a container of some pills were left on the dresser, together with a glass of water half filled.

The air conditioning was on full blast. She could not reach the remote, so she merely pulled the covers up to her arms to try to be wrapped in warmth. Her frail and feeble limbs could barely move as much as she could before, so there was a wheelchair at the corner just in case.

The door creaked open as her eyes flew open as well. She raised her eyebrows to have a better view.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.." sobbed the hysterical mother as she ran to ger daughter and hugged her gently. It had been 2 months since she had last seen her daughter.

"Mom," she said as her dry lips opened a small gap. "Im sorry.." the girl cried

Kelly shook her head with a look of confusion. "Why are you sorry?" she asked in a perplexed tone. "I've brought you so much trouble, Mommy.." she said tearfully. Kelly sobbed more. "No, Beverly.. no.. it isnt like that.."

This was the time when words seemed to fail them-- when these cannot suffice to express. The heart wrenching moment between a dying daughter who is still being tried to live and a mother who has given up everything in order for her daughter to live.

The ten tubes, the dextrose, the wheechair
always had Beverly's look of disdain. These things had been symbols of her weakness, proving that she was weak. Beverly Brown was weak.

Yet the irony, that these things that also symbolize her weakness are also the ones keeping her alive and allowing her to live longer. Her sickness has taken away everything from her, countless chances and oppurtunities that if not for her sickness she would gladly take.


"Im awfully sorry." his words were apologizing but his smirk gave it away. They were walking slowly on the hot sand. Millie glared at him angrily. "Was that your first kiss?" he said with a chuckle.

Millie raised her eyebrows and smirked at him. He couldn't help but admire her features-- her brown hair, her eyes, her lips that he had just pressed against. There was no "sparks" but there was a flame, and that flame is better than thousands of sparks.

"Excuse me?" she said with disbelief. "I've already kissed someone for some of my shows." Finn laughed. "That's not real. That isn't a kiss if it isnt meant." he told her while running his fingers through his dark hair.

"And you think what you did there meant something?" her voice was oozing sarcasm.
Finn's cheeks burned as he turned scarlet.

Millie silently celebrated in triumph.


The center of the town was a plaza like area. There were big tables with long benches, and a wide one sat at the front like a stage, with different food prepared. Today, for lunch, there was beef stew, mashed potatoes and fish.

Millie disgustedly got one of the plastic plates and the plastic utensils and took some stew and mashed potatoes. The mashed potatoes looked too thick for her liking, unlike what her family's Cook makes. The stew was okay.

She sat like a loner at the corner of one table. People stared and started whispering with one another. She flipped her hair and ate as she ignored them.

"Why do you keep looking at her?" Caleb asked his best friend who had once again took a halt in eating as he stared at Millie. "Im not." he denied as his gaze fell to the floor. Caleb snorted. "Im not dumb. I can tell." he said with a smirk as Finn chewed his piece of fish. 

"Shut up, Caleb." 

Jokingly, Caleb raised his eyebrows and continued to eat his mashed potatoes. Finn looked with pity at the girl who sat alone eating her lunch. "Caleb," Finn called without looking at him. "Im just gonna sit there." Finn carried his plate and walked to Millie. "Hey," he said while sitting beside her. Millie looked up from her stew and raised a brow. "Why are you here?" she asked while facing him. "Um, you seemed so lonely, so here I am." he said with a smirk. Smiling, he began to eat. Millie groaned to show him that she disliked his presence, but Finn did not seem to care nor even notice it.

hiii guys hahah i dont know if you noticed it but they are starting to get close, STARTING so lolz. i hate books that go on a fast pace and just jump into your face, so imma make this not too slow, but just right, i hope i am not being too slow or too fast for you guys, so hahaha. btw, i have an important announcement with claire but will do that before i post the eleventh chapter, which will probably be tomorrow or idk. thank you once again to everyone who takes time into reading sudden difference, and posting comments and votes bc it really gives me the inspiration and the motivation to update. swear, its really weird but yeah tbh hahaha so yay thanks!!

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