Chapter 2

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(Added A/N: I know this story is very similar to After (the first few chapters are at least) But I promise I make it my own story to the best of my ability as it continues. If you really can't handle it just please don't continue to read it instead of reminding me how much it is similar :) thank you!)

I sit on the bed and let out a heavy breath. "Sarah I don't want to go tonight." I shake my head turning to her.

Her blue eyes shoot away from her make up and to me, they're angry and upset with me.

"Jules you promised you wouldn't back out! You said you would try to at least have some fun while being at college! Especially since the break up!" Sarah begs.

"I know I just-"

"No we are going! That's final! If you DESPERATELY hate it and don't make ONE new friend then I promise to never make you go to another one again." She holds out her pinky.

I sigh and give a smile at her little promise. I nod and wrap my pinky around hers. There was no arguing with Sarah.

"If I'm miserable tonight, I will never let it go." I warn with a smile.

"I'll take my chances!" Sarah and I were unlikely friends. We were both pretty popular in high school but she was more of the star - way more popular than me.

To be honest I was only decently popular - more along the lines of social, while Sarah was a socialite - always making friends. She loved attention, partying, boys, doing whatever she wanted.

I was the only friend her parents didn't disapprove of, which is one of the main reasons we are rooming together at CU.

I run my hand through my hair and gather up my outfit. I slip into a black blouse and jeans. I slip on my black knee high boots and pull my brown hair over my shoulder as I apply a light layer of make up.

I hear Sarah clear her throat and I turn to her, she wears a dark purple top and a short black skirt that makes my eyes widen.

"Sarah you can't wear that!"

"Why not?" She smiles, turning to admire herself in the mirror. Her golden locks flow down her back and I sigh.

"You look beautiful but... I don't think you want to be in that skirt for the party, it's a frat party." I remind.

"And I want to date a frat boy." She points out turning to me and resting her hands on her hips. I roll my eyes as she grabs her car keys. "Let's go! And don't pout all night, it's not fun!" She snaps. I laugh at her demand and follow her to her car.

Sarah drives a brand new silver convertible, a graduation present from her parents. We listen to music as we drive to the house.

I glance at Sarah from the corner of my eye. She was always more beautiful than me, I was more plain but I didn't mind, it caused less attention, less drama.

My eyes widen as I take it in. It was a huge mansion. There was a roundabout that many cars were parked, in the center there was a beautiful fountain that was several tiers.

I climb out of the car taking in the house. It was two stories, many windows and it looks open. The landscaping was done well, beautiful trees draping over the landscape, flowers and plants everywhere.

Sarah comes up to me as we walk down the walkway to the main entrance. We open the gate and step into the courtyard where several people are hanging out already.

We open the large front door. Inside opens up into the central area. It was the lobby I would call it, there was high ceilings, a beautiful grand staircase in the area that people stood talking on.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now