Chapter 67

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(A/N: 2 million reads... Oh my gosh I'm in shock! I owe you all a huge thank you! You guys have been asking for some more Zuliet, so I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

Arms - Christina Perri (You have to listen to this! It's so perfect for this chapter!)

Through the Dark - One Direction

Disconnected - 5 Seconds of Summer

Rhythm of Love - Plain White Tees

Today Was A Fairytale - Taylor Swift

Happily - One Direction


A strong arm is wrapped around my waist as I open my eyes. I slowly adjust to the dull light that breaks into the room. I look up at Zayn who is still sleeping. I smile at him, lightly pressing a kiss to his chest as I snuggle closer to him.

After a few minutes I untangle myself from Zayn and make my way into the rest of the apartment. I walk into the kitchen, quietly finding a pan and setting it on the stove.

Zayn had convinced me last night to spend the rest of Saturday with him - for the most part. Since I didn't have much else to do I couldn't see why not to. I grab the eggs from the kitchen and a few extra ingredients.

I begin stirring the eggs into the pan - adding the few ingredients as they begin to sizzle and cook. I gasp as I feel Zayn's arms wind around my waist, pulling my back to his chest.

"No cupcakes?" He smirks against the side of my face, lightly kissing my temple, resting his chin on my shoulder. I laugh and shake my head, cooking the eggs.

"Not today." I smile as he pulls me tighter to his chest.

"Hmm... that's too bad." He mumbles, kissing my shoulder - fire spreading through my body.

"I made you breakfast." I point out the obvious in an attempt to focus on it.

"Why's that?" He asks lightly, still kissing up my shoulder to my neck.

"You always cook for me, thought I'd return the favor." I explain.

I get out of Zayn's grip, turning off the stove I put the eggs onto two plates and I nod for him to follow me to the table. He sits down as I set the plates down in front of him along with the silverware. He tugs on my arm and pulls me down to his lap with a smirk. He wraps his arms around me and begins kissing my neck.

"Zayn the food will get cold." I laugh against his kisses. He sighs, keeping his arm around me as he pulls the two plates to us. I stare at him - waiting for him to let me go but he doesn't. He begins to eat as if it were completely normal that I am sitting on his lap. Sighing with defeat I grab my fork and begin eating my food.

"So when is this dinner event thing?" I ask casually, Zayn's thumb beginning to rub circles into my sides, sending warmth through my body.

"Next week." He replies, looking at me for a moment. I look to my food and wait a moment before voicing my next question.

"Is it super fancy?" I ask - I want to know everything about this dinner in all honesty, but over loading Zayn with all my questions would probably make him annoyed.

"I guess." He shrugs. "Elizabeth said black tie event?" I smile at him and he can see from my smile that he's not going to be pleased about the news. "What does that mean?" I drop my fork, turning to him and running my fingers up his chest.

"That means I get to see you in a button up shirt, dress pants, a blazer, and probably a tie - seeing as it is a black tie event." I smile at him. He groans and sits back in his chair. "Is this the first black tie event you've been to? Did you never go to school dances?" I question.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now