Chapter 60

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What If I Told You – Jason Walker (This is absolutely perfect for Zayn! Thank you for letting me know about this song!)

Down – Jason Walker

Stones - Barbarossa

Stay - Rihanna

Poison & Wine – The Civil Wars


Juliet POV

I stare at Zayn in pain and horror, physically able to feel my heart hurting. Erica was half naked in his apartment and by the look on his face I know he's shocked to see me, I know he's freaking out about how to explain this.

I was just dying to hear the excuse he had this time. An excuse, that's what I would get. It would be a lie no doubt, whether he says they had sex or didn't it would be a lie. He can never just tell me the truth; it was always just something he could hurt me with.

"Well I'm just going to skedaddle..." She says with a light voice. I don't move my eyes from Zayn, who stares at me with panic in his eyes, but I see Erica out of the corner of my eye. She clutches her shirt to her chest and squeezes past Zayn and I. "Well... this was... this was... I'm just gonna go." She fumbles for words as she darts down the hall.

I continue to stare at Zayn. Memorizing his face that stares back at me with horror stricken in it. I hear the elevator bell ding – signaling Erica was gone. We stand in the silence, the silence filled with panic and hurt, silence that was beginning to stir – ready to explode at any moment. I shake my head and turn around, walking down the hall.

I wasn't going to listen to his lies. I wasn't going to be hurt by his words that he never meant. I wasn't going to allow myself to get pulled back into this mess of a thing we consider a relationship.

"Juliet, wait." I hear Zayn call after me. I don't stop until his hand wraps around my arm and spins me around to him. I shove him off of me,

"Don't touch me." I growl. I've never felt angrier or betrayed by him than in this moment. As if it weren't bad enough to have him disappear into a room with her all night I come here to find her half naked.

"I'll explain." He assures.

"Explain?" I laugh at him. "Explain or lie to me? Which one is it Zayn? Or maybe both because I'm pretty sure half the time you believe your own lies!" I shout at him. It was true – at least to me, I could hardly tell when he was lying now and that's because I think he believed his own lies.

"Come on, we're not fighting out here." He states in a low voice. Pulling on my arm - pulling me towards the open door of his apartment. I wasn't going to fight with him – not out here, not in his apartment. I just wanted to get out of here.

"No." I pull my arm from him but he just grabs the other arm and tugs me into the apartment. I glare at him as he shuts the door and turns to me. We stare at each other for a moment; I can see in his eyes he's trying to figure out how this is going to go – the same as me.

This wasn't going to go well that much was for sure. I guess we were just trying to figure out if this was going to go in a way that we would yell until we're blue in the face or emotionally ripped apart – or both.

"Why was she shirtless?" I try to contain my hurt voice by keeping it steady. But I can feel my body threatening to shake with the anger.

"She was helping clean." He simply replies with a matching steady voice.

"She was helping you clean? And she just happened to be half naked? That's the lie you're going with?" I laugh. If he was going to lie I wish he would put more creativity into it – make it more believable.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now