Chapter 66

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(A/N: For those of you who are confused, the bracelet is from Matt – it's talked about in Chapter 45!)


For the rest of the week Sarah and I manage to avoid each other. After she threw the bracelet at me she walked out of the dorm – more like stormed out.

The week drags on, I always dread going back to the dorm, Sarah has refused to even look at me and I in no way know what to even say to her. Zayn has been supportive through the week – as much as he could manage. For the most part we would do some studying and hanging out at his apartment.

Liam and I catch up for studying on Thursday – Louis tags along as usual, meaning we don't get much studying done. We get our usual table in the back, Liam offering to get the coffee as Louis and I catch up.

"So Zayn is in a better mood – I almost got an apology from him!" Louis smirks.

"Yeah I told him he owed you one, you saved his sorry butt." I point out. Louis gives me a wink and a light chuckle.

"Well he gave me a pat on the back and a beer. Good enough." Louis shrugs. That's what passes for an apology? Zayn's apologies to me always had some extravagant date, I guess I beat Louis' apology from Zayn.

"Did Eleanor tell you?" I ask carefully. I hope she did or else this was going to be an awkward conversation to have with Louis.

"That she's Zayn's step sister? Yeah... We had a little spat about it." He admits sheepishly, glancing past me. I turn and see that Liam is still waiting in line to order the coffees.

"A little?" I ask, turning back to Louis.

"Just... a little fight about how she hid it. She explained that it was for Zayn's sake – I understood. I could never be angry at El." He smiles down at the table.

"Of course." I smile at him – Eleanor and him... I could never see them being in a fight – at least like Zayn and I. Then again, I doubt anyone fought like Zayn and I – any normal functioning couple that is.

"So you two are doing well? He's in a pretty good mood." Louis notes as he sits up in his chair, sitting forward and clasping his hands together.

"We're doing pretty well." I agree with his statement. We were doing great actually, we hadn't fought all week, he had been pretty supportive with the Sarah thing – all in all we seemed like a normal couple.

"Why the sad face?" Louis frowns, I look at him realizing I was frowning. I touch my lips and shake my head.

"Sarah and I aren't." I answer with a sigh.


"Meaning... I kept a gift from someone I shouldn't have and she found it." I look down. I didn't want to have to explain my whole background to Louis – at least not in the middle of a coffee shop. I'm sure he'd get angry about the Matt thing – him cheating on me, me keeping the bracelet.

"Right... Course you did." He chuckles. "Zayn's turning you into a secretive person." He teases lightly.

"Oh he wishes." I smirk at Louis. We're quiet for a moment before he speaks again.

"I always knew deep down Eleanor and him were somehow related... I could see it when they would be in the same room – just never made the connection." He explains – mostly talking to himself. I tap my fingers on the table, glancing at Liam who begins to take out his wallet to pay the Barista.

"How's Harry been?" The words come out rushed and I see the confusion take over Louis' face.

"Harry? Right... you two had a bit of a fight." He nods. I'm not sure how he found out – I'm sure someone at the party saw and went telling. I'm sure everyone outside had heard us yelling – or rather Harry yelling. His pure vulnerability and raw affection he exposed to me that night.

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