Chapter 25

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Zayn's birthday is today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAYN! And happy birthday to @zaynsqueen12! (Thank you for all the support and edits doll! Have a good birthday!)

Read All About It - Emili Sande

Dark Side - Kelly Clarkson

Everything Has Changed - Taylor Swift


Juliet POV

I jump at the sound of Zayn slamming a door. Louis, Niall and Sarah's eyes had followed him until that point, now they rest on me. I feel my cheeks turn red and I look at the ground. I'm not sure how I feel at the moment, embarrassed about being caught making out, confused about his sudden attitude change, and worried about what they were going to say.

"Damn, you guys had a good hiding spot." Niall speaks, I feel slight relief wash over me at his comment. "We still got to find Harry before Lindsay, Danielle and Liam do, come on!" I figure from that who the split groups are.

"Yes, that sneaky bastard." Louis smiles, following Niall's lead. Louis and Niall take off the hall, screaming and laughing. "Harry! Where are you mate!" Louis cheerful voice echoes through the house. Niall's laughter echoes through, but it doesn't make me smile this time because Sarah's eyes are set on me.

I can't make out the emotion, surprise, disappointed, happy? We stand until we can longer hear Louis or Niall. She suddenly breaks into a proud smile and pokes my side.

"I knew you liked him!" She laughs. I feel alieved that she isn't disappointed or angry but I now have to deal with her giddy side.

"I don't like him." I don't...

"Keep saying that all you want. That kiss was pretty steamy." She winks at me. I elbow her lightly as we begin walking down the hallway.

"So why did he take off?" She asks nodding to where Zayn had disappeared. I stop walking and stare at where he had left to. I purse my lips and shake my head, honestly I don't know.

He just pulled away and left, acting like he was angry with me. Typical Zayn, typical cycle, it was expected. I thought things would change, especially after that kiss...

"I don't know." I answer slowly. I turn to her and I see a flash of emotion, guilt? "Why do you look guilty?" I ask quickly. She glances at me and closes her mouth shaking her head.

"I can't... I don't!" She corrects.

"Tell me." I urge, giving her a motherly look. She sighs and gives in instantly.

"Don't you dare breath a word of this." She points a finger at me as she glances around the hallway. I nod as she continues softly, "Harry told me he liked you but he knows that Zayn has a thing for you... he's worried about you Jules..." That sentence reminds me of when Harry and I had dinner. When he told me he worried about me being with Zayn, around him... He had a temper was his only reason.

"Yeah I know." Is all I can say to the statement. I know he's worried about me, but it wasn't his place to be worried.

"I just... I'm glad that you and Zayn were... doing whatever but... Harry does have a point." Her eyes are staring at me with caution, I know she doesn't want to say the wrong thing.

"And what is that?" I'm growing defensive, I have to stop myself before I upset Sarah.

"The point being, Zayn is a bit too unpredictable. He could hurt you Juliet. He's got a temper, I see how you are when you're upset and I know it's because of him, I see how happy he can make you. Harry and I both agree he has a lot of control over your emotions." She claims.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now