Chapter 96

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Peace – O.A.R.


I focus on stringing up the dark red tinsel, making sure it hangs down slightly from the ceiling. Zayn stands in the kitchen with Elizabeth – helping cook up some food.

It felt nice to be home – to be away from Loveland the recent drama that had come up. It was calmer here, especially in the home of Elizabeth and Jonah.

Looking outside the large window the lights from Boulder could barely be seen through the drift of snow coming down. It wasn't heavily snowing but enough to cover the ground an inch or two.

It was quite beautiful to stand in front of the windows that covered the side of the house head to toe and notice all the beauty of Boulder. The great pine trees slowly covering with the white of snow.

"Love." I glance down the ladder at Zayn who looks up at me. "You want to change, everyone is going to be here soon." He speaks in a calming voice.

Zayn and I have not talked about our recent visit to Loveland – not much to be said. He wasn't fond about what happened and I wasn't either. Though he has been rather – delicate with things around me.

I think he's worried I'm on the verge of having a breakdown or an outburst. Strangely though I didn't feel too angry or upset just confused – but that's how I always seemed to feel with Zayn.

Nodding, I climb down the ladder. My bare feet pressing to the cool wooden floors. Zayn takes my hand and leads me through the maze of the house to his bedroom. It's more empty than I remember – mostly because he took the majority of his things to the apartment.

I walk to the bed where I left my dress for tonight, picking it up and taking off the small pieces of hair that stick to the material. Zayn leaves his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

I quickly slip into the dark red dress that clings to my curves and adjust my loosely curled hair, pulling half of it back into a clip. I don't bother adding or fixing my make up – my eyes are still lightly outlined by the mascara and eyeliner.

I can feel my excitement growing, tonight was our Christmas dinner with all our friends. I was ecstatic the moment Louis told me that Eleanor had agreed to come this time.

I knew she felt uncomfortable around Elizabeth and Jonah because her dad sort-to-speak replaced Elizabeth's brother, but I am glad she has decided to join all of us.

I had considered inviting Harry tonight but seeing as the last time we met up things were not so great I decided better of it. Zayn had seemed to make up a bit with Charles – though I think their friendship was still slightly rocky.

"Juliet?" A knock echoes through the room.

"Yeah?" I turn to the door where Zayn peaks his head through. He gives me a smile that warms my entire body.

"You look stunning." He mumbles, opening the door and walking in.

He wears a dark button up shirt and black pants. He's gotten better with the idea for dressing up for occasions and I loved it. Zayn steps to me, his hands sliding down my sides to my waist. My body vibrating and tingling from his touch.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I smile, fixing the collar of his dark shirt before looking up into his eyes.

"I really like this dress." He teases, his hands sliding to the small of my back. His lips touch the side of my face before trailing down to my neck. "I can't wait until it's off of you." He mumbles against my neck.

"Zayn!" I almost scoff in laughter, swatting at his chest. He gives me a smug smile before letting out a deep breath.

"Come on, I want to do something before people get here." He pulls on my arm, leading me out of his room through the house.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now