Chapter 34

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Wings - Birdy


I wake up with sunlight beaming into the room. I blink my heavy eyelids a few times, trying to rid myself of the sleep. I roll over and come in contact with a body.

My eyes widen and I begin to pull away but his arm pulls me closer. He's asleep still but somehow is managing to hold me close. I glance around and find the clock, 10 AM, I've definitely missed church with Sarah.

I slowly prop myself up, his arm still tight around my waist as I rest my weight on my elbows.

I examine him, his peaceful features, his sculpted jawline, his dark messy but somehow perfect short dark brown hair. I lightly trace my fingers on the scar on his chest.

I still plan on finding out what happened there. I knew he wouldn't be open to discuss it right now, but perhaps in the future... if we even make it that far. The doubt and problems fill my head.

He was a puzzle I was trying to solve while I didn't even have my life figured out. We always fought and there always seemed to be something he wasn't telling me. At least that much was consistent with us.

It felt like with ever passing second I would spend with Zayn I would find something new out about him. Something that would help me understand him a little more, but then something else would happen and I'd be back to the confusion I started with.

I feel his eyes on me and look up from his chest to meet them. There is emotion that I can't detect; they're just studying me.

His hand reaches out and takes mine from his chest, he spreads my fingers out with his and intertwines his fingers with mine, his eyes on our hands.

I slowly lower my head to his chest, listening to his heart beat softly, enjoying the warmth of his skin. I smile staring at our hands holding each other.

Our fingers laced together - the sun rising in and shining in on us - on this moment. I feel my heart light and warm with the idea that we were simply laying bed together and holding hands without a care in the world.

But there was a care - I had to get back to the dorms. I had school, I had reality to return to. This moment - these past few moments we've been having were not realistic. At least it didn't feel that way.

"I need to go back to the dorms." I mumble quietly as I stare at our hands too. I don't want to go. I'm enjoying this peace, this feeling being around him, though I know I have to go.

"Alright." He sighs heavily, I feel him move away from me and I feel myself slightly disappointed he didn't argue to keep my longer.

I grab my clothes and change back into them quickly, coming back out to Zayn who is in jeans and a shirt. He gives me a small smile as we walk through the frat house.

It's quiet for being 10 in the morning, but I don't question it as Zayn walks me towards the door. As he reaches for the door I see his eyes widen and I follow them to Blake who walks into the lobby. His brown hair is matted into a mess and I realize he has blue eyes.

He has gained some muscle from the last time I saw him. Though his brown hair could use a trim.

He wears a bro-tank and basketball shorts as he walks through. He pauses and his eyes fall on Zayn and I. I glance at Zayn who is tense and his jaw is clenched.

"You again." Blake ignores Zayn who stands a few inches in front of me. His smile is uncomfortable as it is faced towards me. Before I can say anything Zayn is pushing me out the front door and slamming the door shut behind us.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now