Chapter 29

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Start a Riot - Jetta

Wildest Moments - Jessie Ware

Dust to Dust - The Civil Wars


I eventually fall asleep, I'm not sure when but I know I do because Sarah is poking at my side to wake me up. I groan as I roll over, I must have only gotten a few hours of sleep. My eyes feel dry from the small cry I had last night, the crying helped get the pain out though. It was like every tear was all the frustration and confusion; all of what Zayn had put me through for the past few weeks, escaping my body in the form of a salty tears.

Sarah and I dress up, both wearing pastel colors. I wear a soft baby blue while she wears a light yellow. I don't pay much attention in church, not like I would anyway. I mostly memorize the beautiful stain glass windows that fill the church.

I examine how each is a strange shape but they all fit together to form a beautiful masterpiece. I thinka bout Zayn... How deep down he's not as screwed up as he thinks, how every confusing piece of him that I knew about - would eventually fit together like the window and show him completely.

The colors that light the room with such beauty and awe. It's calming in church, only one person talks, there's no drama... Not like how my life was, my life becoming a complete mess since I met him.

Sarah doesn't stay to chat with anyone, which I am grateful for. We arrive at our usual breakfast joint and take a seat near the window. I order a cappuccino as she orders juice. I take a look at my phone, still nothing from Louis. I'm beginning to get anxious, I hope Zayn didn't do anything to hurt him - though I can't imagine Zayn hurting Louis.

"So... Explain please." Sarah's voice is soft but commanding. I clear my throat, putting my phone away and nodding slowly. Running through what I was going to say.

"Well... You know how Zayn and I were... figuring things out, so-to-speak?" She nods. "Well last night at the party he was with two girls and he was drunk. He said some things and Louis told me to leave while he handled him."

"He was with other girls?" Sarah demands. She looks more worked up than I was last night.

"Yeah... I don't know if they did anything I just... I shouldn't be upset, we aren't dating." I shake my head, saying it more for my sake than for Sarah.

"Hell no Jules! He shouldn't be with other girls if he was kissing you and holding your hand just the day before!" Sarah raises her voice to the point people are looking at us. I shoot her a warning look and she takes a calming breath. "I consider that cheating, and-" She stops talking as she runs out of breath. She lets out a frustrated breath as she runs a hand through her blonde hair.

She looks frustrated and I know she is - I am too. It was a hard position. He wasn't my boyfriend he wasn't my anything, so technically it wasn't cheating. But it sure felt like it - but not as bad as if we were to be in a relationship. I knew we weren't officially anything, the most hurtful thing wasn't him with the other girls it was what he said about Matt and then me.

"Jules he needs to get his shit together, like right now." Sarah says, not a trace of playfulness on her face.

Sarah had been decently protective about boys for me even though she wanted me to date. I almost regret telling her this because it sounded close to a cheating scenario, though we weren't togehter. I rest my head on my hand, leaning onto the table.

I debate telling her about the way he betrayed the single layer of trust he had gained so far. How he blurted out the betrayal of Matt while insulting me. I decide not to - it would be too hard to explain to her. How we had met that one night and I shared so much of my life with him - even the secret about Matt.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now