Chapter 43

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One Day - Kodaline

Terrible Love - Birdy

Castle Walls – T.I. (feat. Christina Aguilera)


Zayn POV

I've been sitting outside the building for thirty minutes to the point. I know because I've been staring at the damn blue digital clock on the radio. My hands balled up in fists, resting on my legs, I've been sitting here, debating what to do.

The anger boils in me as I look to Harry's car next to Louis'. He drove her, he fucking drove her here. He fucking drove her on the double date. When she told me she was going on a date with Harry I thought she was kidding. She had to be fucking kidding.

I thought she was drunk, she was delusional, she was just saying shit to get under my skin. It seems like she's always saying something that get's to me - no matter how much I try to ignore it. But now... seeing Louis' and Harry's car, I know.

She was here on a date. I clench my jaw, glaring at Harry's stupid jeep. I wanted it to disappear, I wanted him to disappear and leave Juliet alone. Why couldn't he just leave her the fuck alone?

Letting out a heavy breath I get out of the car. The cool air a contrast against my heated skin. Shutting my door with a heavy shove I walk into the building. Once I enter I walk past all the annoying kids and parents who look to me. I see the looks the mothers give me, suspicion and disapproval.

Making my way around the building I come to a room with large windows letting light in. That's when I spot them. Louis and Eleanor who are laughing, smiling at the two people across from them. I know who they are though. Juliet's back is to me and I know it's Harry who has an arm fucking wrapped around her.

I feel the anger threatening to burst through the surface. He was touching her - he was fucking touching her. Holding her and she was laughing. She was laughing and she looked happy... Harry couldn't make her fucking happy - not like I could.

This was a joke. A sick joke. There was no way this was real, Juliet on a date with Harry. Harry touching her... They had to be fucking kidding.

Juliet POV

"You've got to be fucking kidding me. What the hell is this?" I turn to his voice and stare with wide eyes. Hoping I had imagined it - but I didn't. There he stands, Zayn who glares at all of us. Everyone is silent, there's no more laughter, the air is tense and no one makes a move. "I asked a damn question." He growls.

I gulp as the reality of him really being here sets in. Zayn was here – seeing Harry and I flirting. Seeing me having a good time on a date I had told him about as a way to get him angry.

I know this won't end well, nothing seems to end well with Zayn and I. That's just how we were – no matter how much I hated it, no matter how much I didn't want it, I allowed myself to get sucked back into it – into him...

"We're just having fun mate." Louis chirps with his light voice. I know Louis thinks Zayn deserves to sit in the hot seat – but I don't feel the same. I see anger and hurt in Zayn's eyes – a look that makes me want to hug him and talk to him about everything.

Then again, he's been avoiding me since I found out about Erica. He hadn't made an effort to talk to me about her so I'm not sure I should make the first move here. What was he doing here anyways? He had no right to just barge in here like that.

"You weren't kidding when you said this was a date." Zayn states in a monotone voice. He stands in front of all of us with a white shirt and leather jacket – his model stature without him even trying. I realize his statement was directed towards me and I feel guilt in my stomach.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now