Chapter 99

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Between the Lines – Sara Bareillas

Forever And Almost Always – Kate Vogele

Kiss It Better – He Is We

I'll Never Forget You – Birdy

Strangers – Tove Lo

Everything I Didn't Say – 5 Seconds of Summer

Zayn POV

I just want to get the fuck out of here. The entire club is dark and pungent with the scent of alcohol, cologne and sweat. It's not an enjoyable smell. I was honestly hoping that Juliet would want to stay at home.

I know she had an awful time last year during New Years because of her fucking idiot boyfriend. I want her to have the most fun she can have tonight – and I was hoping she would just want to stay at home with me.

I don't understand what is so appealing about clubs. The loud music that makes it hard to hear the person next to you, the strong alcohol, the mass of people that don't allow you to move anywhere? None of it was appealing.

The only thing appealing in this whole damn place was Juliet. I quickly grab the drinks from the bar and turn, scanning the crowd for Juliet. It took nearly ten minutes just to get the drinks and I expect Juliet to be back in here but she isn't.

"Where is Juliet?" I walk back to the table where Louis and Eleanor sit. Both of them look to me and glance at each other before looking back to me. I set the drinks down on the table as they look past me.

"Isn't she with you?" Eleanor asks with full concern in her voice and eyes.

"No, she went outside to get some air... I thought she might have come back in and sat down." I nod towards the table.

The couple nods slowly, both of them sorting through options and ideas. I feel myself growing impatient as I shake my head.

"Never mind, I'll go find her."

"Mate." Louis calls to me. I turn back to him as he gives me an assuring smile

"I'm sure she's still outside. Just give her a few minutes before chasing her down." Louis suggests, patting the seat next to him. I stare at him a moment before spinning on my heel and weaving my way through the club towards the exit.

Juliet POV

"Nate?" I stare at him, his blonde hair messy in such a way it looks as if he just woke, his blue eyes look dull and tired, his body sags against the loose clothing he wears.

He doesn't look much like the guy I had met on the street of Bradford a few days ago. He looks older, more tired and worn down. I feel my body straighten as he continues to look at me.

"We need to talk." He stares directly at me – his gaze never faltering. I notice the hint of sadness, the sense of my stomach dropping from the small frown taking on his lips.

"What... what are you doing here?" I raise an eyebrow, glancing around the decently empty parking lot.

"We need to talk." He repeats. I stare at him for a moment, his hands shoved in his pockets, his eyes sad.

"Nate, what are you doing in the U.S.?" I take a step towards him and he shakes his head.

"Jules there are some things you need to know." Nate's voice heavy and thick, his eyes watching me.

"Things I need to know?" I ask. "You came all the way to the U.S. to tell me something?" I question, folding my arms and starting to feel more uncomfortable with this.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now