Chapter 32

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Zayn POV

I'm lost in the moment with her. I hate that she has this command over me, this power to make me feel like this with a simple kiss. And with her on my lap, I've lost control of anything I might have. Nothing was going to stop us, I just wanted her, only her.

The leggings she wore were going to be the death of me - and I told her so. The way her ass looked in them, the way it showed off her perfectly toned legs. I wanted so badly to pull them off of her in this moment. To have her to myself - all of her.

I feel her jerk away as soon as a sound of glass shattering reaches us. I glance towards the open balcony door. We sit in silence for a moment, not sure what to do. Nothing happens for a moment - no noise from where the shattering had echoed from.

I slowly stand up and lift her off my lap with ease and we both listen. We hear a deep voice curse - echoing through the house.

I take a look at her face, she's terrified. I'm not sure who the hell would be out at my house right now. I know it's not Elizabeth or Jonah - neither of them curse and they were always good about letting me know if they were home or not.

Juliet's eyes are open and scared, her mouth slightly ajar as she stares at the door, probably thinking someone was going to walk on the balcony and hurt her. More than anything I want her to feel protected, know that I'm here and I wouldn't let a thing touch her.

I press a finger to my lips and mumble a quiet, "Wait here." Before leaving her on the balcony. I don't want to leave her alone - but if someone is breaking into my house, the balcony is the farthest from the main entrance.

I stop by Jonah's office, which is dark. His desk is covered with papers and his laptop is left open - the screen black. I grab an old baseball bat he kept from college that lies by the door and rush down the halls. I hear muttering and cursing echo from the living room.

It's dark in the house and I am able to make out a figure. I realize it's not a burglar or killer for they're trying to clean up the vase that was smashed into the ground. Flipping on a light the figure turns and stands. My eyebrows lower instantly in a grimace.

"Hello mate." His light eyes smile at me, his blonde hair a mess. I glare at him as I let out a heavy breath.

"Charles." I drop the bat and sigh, running a hand through my hair. Fucking great, he was the reason Juliet and I had to stop. If she weren't alone right now I would probably take the time to give him a quick punch or shove. "What are you doing here?" I glance around the house in confusion.

"Louis said you would be here." He explains as if it were such a simple explanation. Charles has only been to this house twice, I'm surprised he remembers where it is still.

"And why did you need to find me?" I ask, my anger building. If he ruined tonight for no reason he was going to pay to regret it.

"We need to talk about the party we're having next week." He shrugs as if it were such a simple explanation.

"That's why you drove all this fucking way to my house? To tell me to plan a party?" I glare at him, clenching my jaw. This was ridiculous, he's never done something like this.

"Did I interrupt something?" His eyes are looking past me a smile all too friendly that I don't like on his face. I turn my head to see Juliet creeping down the stairs slowly, her face is still scared until she sees Charles. Her face breaks into a beautiful smile and I feel my blood boil.

"Charles?" Her light voice asks as she walks into the living room. "What are you doing here?" She glances at the broken vase frowning in an adorable way.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now