Chapter 83

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How Long Will I Love You - Ellie Goulding

Don't Wanna Love Somebody Else - A Great Big World

Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran

All We Are - Matt Nathanson

Feel Again - One Republic


The week back after break is decent, things run decently smooth, things are still slightly tense between Mr. Collins, Zayn and I. There are always lingering glances from him - more like observant glares. I know Zayn notices but he's trying his best to keep the angry thoughts in check.

I'm grateful for the control Zayn is having on the situation - for some reason I think it has to do more with the fact of what had conspired a few days ago rather than Mr. Collins himself.

Zayn and I haven't discussed the idea of me not talking to Harry in exchange for him not talking with Erica anymore. The deal wasn't even that sound if we agreed to it, he would still be friends with Erica - he just wouldn't be the one to talk to her. Knowing Erica she would have no issue constantly coming over and talking to him.

Lindsay tells me about her Thanksgiving. Things went well - Joshua managed to be pleasant apparently. Her parents were happy to have a peaceful family gathering. It also seems that he had told Lindsay that he liked me a lot as a friend for her - which shocked me.

She gushes about how he was flattered and blown away by my honest characteristics and kindness. I try not to gape at her while listening. I just nod and stare wide eyed at the essay in front of me. Something was really strange about Joshua.

The first snowfall is Thursday. It was exciting to see the white flakes drift to the ground and slowly stick - building up the amount of freshly fallen powder on the ground. Though after Psychology the snow grew a few inches.

It makes walking from class miserable - the temperature seems to drop with every step I take towards the dorms. Zayn grips my hand and quickly walks by my side. I never can understand how Zayn's body manages to stay so warm.

It's strange to see Zayn in a jacket that isn't a leather jacket. Though he still looks outstanding in his black pea coat. I pull my jacket closer and tighten my scarf around my neck.

I jump into Zayn's car, shivering as I bounce my legs. Zayn and I have not kissed since our goodbye before Sarah came home. The whole Matt situation was still sensitive.

Whether Zayn will admit it or not I know he's still upset that I had agreed to speak to him after everything. I was still upset with his use of violence but I didn't let it bother me too much.

We never completed our deal/agreement. I'm not sure how I feel about cutting Harry out - he was hardly in my life now but the idea of just cutting him out completely... Harry was not Matt, I don't understand the concept of getting rid of him.

Zayn gets in the car, turning up the heat and taking my hands in one of his. I smile and wrap my freezing fingers around his hand. He smirks over at me before leaving the parking lot.

This week has been decently calm - Matt hasn't tried to call or contact me at all and I know Zayn is happy about it. I'm thankful for it but quite frankly I'm a little worried about it.

I had expected at least one apology text or voicemail - but nothing. Then again that was the old Matt who would do something like that and like I learned a few days ago... that Matt was long gone. I just pray that he doesn't tell my mom anything.

I still haven't brought up the fact that I was going to Bradford with Zayn for Christmas. All my mom knows is that I'm going to spend Christmas with Zayn and his family. I smile at the thought; in about three weeks I was going to meet Zayn's family.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now