Chapter 75

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(A/N: Those of you curious to when I will update - I usually tweet when I think I'll update/am writing! :) My twitter is: love_lessbeauty)

Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood

Skip To the Good Part - He Is We

The Only Reason - 5 Seconds of Summer

Someone To Fall Back On - Aly Michalka


Fully absorbed in the moment, completely forgetting the world around us, his lips are the only thing I can seem to focus on. His perfectly warm lips that ease the coolness of the air away from us.

I force myself to pull away from Zayn, his lips attaching themselves to my neck, our breathing heavy, his hands everywhere. I glance back at where you can see the fire. I doubt Sarah will come looking for me - knowing I'm with Zayn no doubt.

"Juliet." He growls, his hands resting on my hips, pulling me closer to him - if possible.

"Zayn." I sigh, running my hands through his hair and closing my eyes. His lips leaving a trail of kisses up my neck to the corner of my lips. "This is a group date." I state as his lips kiss mine - they're gentler now, less passionate.

"So?" He grumbles, kissing my lips again.

"So, we should go back." I frown. I didn't want to stop kissing Zayn but I figure we should participate in the group date instead of sneaking off into the darkness of the trees to make out. Zayn sighs, giving me one last kiss, his hands sliding down my body to taking my hands. I let the heat slowly leave me as the cold air becomes more noticeable.

Zayn leads us back to the campfire. The group is laughing, the boys sipping on beers and the girls drinking sodas or water. Zayn grabs a blanket and sits down on a chair, pulling me onto his lap. I don't object to it, he wraps the blanket around us and soon his arms wrap securely around my body, pulling me close to him.

"So where were the two of you?" Louis asks with a mocking fatherly tone, his face straight as can be. Everyone tries to contain their laughter as he stares at us. I feel my cheeks burn - of course they knew what we were doing but the acknowledgement of it wasn't something I wanted.

"Louis." Zayn warns. Louis doesn't even acknowledge Zayn's warning as he smiles at me.

"Just screwing with you Jules." I feel the heat remain in my face, Zayn kissing my hand and giving me a comforting smile. I sigh and relax into his body, thankful the attention is altered off of us.

Everyone begins conversing about how they wish we could all come camping out here. The last time I went camping was with Matt... It would be nice to have a new memory to replace that. I smile over at Zayn; the warm fire illuminates his sculpted features.

The boys did a good job making the fire - I am genuinely impressed by the large fire that burns, I look around the fire at all the couples.

Louis and Eleanor look like Zayn and I. She sits on Louis' lap, wrapped in a blanket and smiling. Liam and Danielle sit angled in towards each other - though still angled so they can turn to the rest of us, Liam holding onto her hand. Sarah is chattering away with Niall who smiles at her, both of them sitting in chairs so close together it might as well be one chair.

"So what's the craziest thing you've ever done?" Liam speaks up, the question not directed to anyone particular. The group falls quiet as they all debate what story to tell.

"I have one." Louis smiles, sitting up and adjusting Eleanor on his lap. Clearing his throat he gets ready to tell his great story. "One time back in England - after I met Zayn." Louis raises his beer bottle to Zayn who smirks. "Finals were coming up and I hadn't studied one bit." He speaks loudly.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now