Chapter 19

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And the winner is... Zuliet!

Poison & Wine by The Civil Wars

Stay by Rihanna

In My Veins by Andrew Belle


"I wasn't asked to come on this date, I volunteered." He mumbles, staring at the passing road. I raise an eyebrow and feel my heart threatening to leap out of my chest. I can't respond for a moment, tongue tied with the idea of him VOLUNTEERING to come on this date.

"Volunteered?" I can hear the hope in my voice and I know he can too.

"You were the first girl who ever snuck out on me after spending the night with me." He claims. That's why he volunteered?

"We didn't do anything though." I counter, folding my arms. If that was the point then I was completely lost.

"You didn't think it was weird that after two weeks of school I somehow got into your psych class?" he glances at me and I unfold my arms, sitting up more. I scan through my memory; I was too shocked to think about why he had joined the class.

"So you joined the class to be mean to me?" I ask confused.

"No Juliet." He barks. "Can we have an honest conversation..." His voice is light and soft.

"We're not strangers so I'm not so sure that this will work the same way as before." I remind him, trying to make it playful but stern. He gives me a warning look that he doesn't want to hear it so I sigh and sit back in the carriage. "Sure, honest conversation. I wont' tell anyone." I assure.

"No I just want an honest conversation, no rules, nothing except honesty." My eyes widen even more than I thought possible. What did he want from me? What could he possibly want from me? I'm honest, I have nothing hidden... except the fact he comes to my thoughts constantly.

"Okay." I slowly agree. He licks his lips and takes a deep breath. He doesn't look at me, he just focuses straight ahead.

"I... I haven't been able to get you out of my head since that night... Since the night I told you a lot about myself, opened up, and for some reason I trusted you. I couldn't get anything out of my head about what you told me." My stories weren't even interesting...

"Every story you told me was engraved in my brain and I hated it. I thought it was just because we didn't have sex but no matter how many girls I spent time with... I kept thinking about you, about that single kiss we had." He sighs.

I feel my heart racing and I couldn't breathe. "I remember you saying you were considering psychiatry so I joined every psych class until I finally got into the one you were in." He had joined every psychology class? Just to find mine? I don't believe it, but his eyes, the way he's talking... I know he's not lying.

"But when I saw you I froze. You were there, I had found you... I had finally found you and I didn't know what to do, so my natural instinct kicked in and I hit on the girl closest to me." He admits.

I stare in shock, I don't know what to do. I feel my heart leap at the words that he hasn't gotten me out of my head but my head is more confused than ever.

Here I was thinking he was just being cruel to me. Messing with my head because he knew I had standards, trying to get me to break away from my life, change my life, be something different when in reality he couldn't get me out of his thoughts... just like he was stuck in mine.

"Then why are you so mean to me?" I ask with confusion.

"Just cause... Fuck." He curses quietly, fisting his hands up in balls on his legs. "Because I don't know how to treat a girl I like." He breathes in embarrassment.

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now