Chapter 14

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I Will Come for You - Jack Dolgen


Sarah and I get ready as the sun begins to set. She's excited to finally have me be involved in school spirit activities.

I never did bonfires in high school because it was an excuse for students to get drunk and do stupid things. Smiling Sarah pulls on a pretty blue blouse and slides on a cute gray sweater over top. I slip into a dark navy blue sweater and jeans.

"So... Niall told me about the chemistry book thing." Sarah brings up casually. I look to her and she's staring in the mirror, touching up her make up. I look back to my outfit in the mirror. Controlling my red cheeks, I'm not embarrassed that it happened, just embarassed she had to hear it from Niall.

"Oh really?" I reply nonchalantly.

"Yeah." I see her look at me in the mirror and turn back to her make up. "So... this, Zayn guy?" She uses a singing tone and I instantly know what she's going to say. "He's pretty good looking." She smiles at me from her mirror. I throw my hair up in a messy bun while I give a light laugh and a rolling of my eyes.

"Looks aren't everything." I wasn't disagreeing with her, he was attractive, so attractive I couldn't fathom why he was wasting his time taking my chemistry book to learn my name.

"He's hot Jules, I bet he's an amazing kisser!" She laughs. I almost choke on my spit from her words. If only she knew... He was a... a decent kisser... oh what am I saying?

His kiss had been in the back of mine ever since I met him, it was more than decent. Way more. The first kiss that made my body grow warm, my stomach go rampant with butterflies, my skin burn, my head swirl, my heart hammer out of my chest.

"Aren't you interested in Niall?" I shoot back defensive about the claim she had made. She raises an eyebrow and a smile grows on her lips,

"Of course I am, Zayn's all yours." She winks, my eyes almost fall out of my head from how wide I open my eyes. "I knew there was a reason you didn't want Harry going to this bonfire! You're interested in Zayn!" She exclaims turning to me with a huge smile. Sarah had wanted me to talk to guys ever since Matt and I broke up, I was never ready. Still not.

"Sarah I'm not-he's not the reas-I don't like him!" I finally complete my sentence with frustration, I turn to her flexing my hands to get some anger out. She stops smiling and raises an eyebrow,

"Why so worked up?" She teases as she wriggles her eyebrows. "Come on Jules, I won't tell anyone!" She assures with a bright smile.

"Sarah I don't like him. I don't like anyone at the moment." I say firmly and turn to the mirror. "He just took my chemistry book as a part of his little game." Sarah nods slowly and turns back to her mirror. I can tell from her face though that she doesn't believe me.

"Well... I think he's hot, I think you should go for it. I mean, he looks like a freaking model!" She laughs to herself.

"He's not even my type and I'm certainly not his." I point out. Shrugging she continues to smile,

"Matt was exactly your type, and look how that turned out." She doesn't mean the statement to hurt and it doesn't. She's being honest. I don't answer as I stare at the mirror. I just stare at my face for the silence.

My dark brown hair was curled nicely; my eyes had a thin line of eyeliner around them. My sweater fit my perfectly, I just wanted a normal night and I sure as hell was going to get one. I guess Sarah get's tired of the silence for she now speaks.

"I'm so excited for tonight! Being around a warm fire with Niall..." She sighs, looking off to the side. I laugh and throw a pillow at her to break her daydream,

One Night (Book 1) - Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now