Black Werecat

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"There's gotta be something to defeat those pesky hedgehogs!" Eggman pacing back and forth to think. He then checked in a book about monsters, until he came to a page about werecats. This gave him a brilliant idea, "Maybe if I make it black and it brings bad luck to them. Then if possible, they blame each other" Eggman grins. He then take his pencils out and began drawing his werecat, "And I'm gonna give it a collar too" He draws a collar on it.


At high school, Sonic and his friends were at the cafeteria having lunch together.

"Guys, what's your plan after school?" Blaze asked them.

"No idea, probably gonna watch a movie on Netflix or play Mortal Kombat X" Shadow said.

"Isn't that too bloody?" Blaze made a disgusted face.

"Nope" Shadow shook his head no.

"Sometimes I wonder how you're used to bloody gore scenes" Silver said.

"I've played it so many times" Shadow said.

"Anyway, I love how you guys beat the weather King with us, but it made me and Blaze sick" Nebula said, "Hopefully this year when winter comes, I hope it's not too deadly"

"Yep. I agree" Sonic said, taking a sip from his drink. Suddenly he felt his ring shine, "Something is wrong again" he thought.

"Guys, your rings are blinking" Nebula whispered.

"Sounds like trouble" Amy said, she and her friends got up when they heard screams and something that sounded like cat noises.

"What the hell?" Shadow said.

"Looks like Eggman sent out a friend to play with us again" Silver said.

"Yup" Sonic nodded.

"HERO TIME!!!" the hedgehogs put their hands up so that their rings can transform them into their hero characters.

Sonic's ring glows and he gets his mask on in a blue glow by swiping his hand over his face. His suit appears onto his hands to feet and he spins around, "BLUE BLUR MAN!" He shouted. A gold ring symbol appears behind him.

Amy spins around and her ring began glowing and she moves her hands over her face as the Diamond Knight's helmet appears. The rest of her armor appeared onto her in a pink flash. She then gets her sword onto her waist with sheath and belt, "DIAMOND KNIGHT!" She shouted, a heart image appears behind her.

"HERE I GO!" Silver used his ring. His Francis Dode outfit appeared, starting with the fedora hat with the golden band and the blue streak on. His whip and grapple-claw appeared in his hands, "FRANCIS DODE!" A fedora symbol appeared behind him.

Shadow shoves his fist when his ring glows into the air. He then moved his fingers over his eyes and gets his shades. His coat, pants and T-shirt appeared, even alternate his shoes. His dual arm blades appeared too, "BLOODY SAM!" A skull symbol appears behind him.

At the hallway, a large black werecat was tossing away some students with its bare paws before the doors in the cafeteria burst open.

"Alright big bad kitty! Your time is up!!" Blue Blur man said cockily.

"MRAAAAAAWWWW!!!" The werecat screeched and zapped lighting from his eyes at Francis Dode, turning him into a mobian feline.

"What the?! NOOOO!!!" Francis Dode screamed at seeing himself as a werecat, "It turned me into a werecat!"

"*HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS*" the werecat hissed and ran off to do some chaos in the school.

"Let's get him!" Blue Blur said and ran after it with his team. On the way, the werecat turns some students and teachers into werecats.

Due to being black werecats, the bad lucks on them forced the sprinklers on the ceiling to go off, sprinkling water everywhere. The water came onto the team especially on cat Francis Dode.

"MEEEEEOWWWWW!!!" He freaks out, "What the? What the hell is happening to me?!"

"It's the bad luck! It comes from you and the werecats!" Blood Sam said.

"Hey it's not my problem!" Francis Dode argued.

"No time to argue man!" Diamond Knight said.

"Okay okay!" Bloody Sam said.

"This is not gonna be easy to fight bad luck" Francis Dode said.

Now the werecat was in the library and flips over the shelfs with books falling all over. It kept doing that until Bloody Sam appeared.

"Don't you know that you're supposed to be quiet in the library?" he growled.

"That's right! MRAAAAAAWW!!!" Francis Dode hissed loudly and leaps at the werecat.

"RAWWW!!!" The werecat tries to claw him.

"Damn, now he's acting like a cat" Bloody Sam muttered.

"MEEEEOOOOWWWWW!!!!" Francis Dode and the werecat meowing and hissing at each other like a cat fight. But the werecat threw Francis Dode against the book shelves roughly.

"UGH!!! You made this Catboy mad!!!" He resumes and gets up to fight it. But before he could, Diamond Knight was tackling the werecat.

"Bad kitty cat!" she snarled.

The werecat then snarled and tore off her helmet to attempt to turn her into a werecat as well.

"Oh, hell no!" Diamond Knight gasped. As she saw the werecat's eyes glow to turn her into a one as well, Blue Blur dashes at it to save her.

"You okay Ames?" Blue Blur asked Diamond Knight, giving her helmet to her.

"Yes I am. Let's kill that kitty" Diamond Knight puts her helmet on.

"MEOOWWW!!!" Francis Dode screeched and pounced on the werecat.

"RAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" The werecat grabs him and tries to get him off.

"NEED SOME HELP HERE!" Francis Dode screamed.

"Try to backfire at its eyes!" Bloody Sam said. It took Francis Dode a few seconds to realize that he meant the eyebeams.

Then he saw a small hand mirror and tries to reach it. He eventually takes it and sees the werecat charging it's eyebeams to aim at a innocent student. It fires it's eyebeams until Francis Dode got in front and deflected it back. It hit right into the werecat's eyes.

"MEOW!!" it screamed in pain and it was defeated. It turned into an energy ball and exploded into thin air. Out came a comic book issue titles 'Hedgehog Heroes and the Black Werecat'.

Everyone that were turned into werecats transforms back to normal, including Francis Dode.

"Finally, I'm a hedgehog again!" Francis Dode said, looking at his tail that is no longer a cat tail.

"Yep. But we need to talk about bad luck again" Bloody Sam said, glaring at him.

"Oh, do shut up. When I got turned into a cat that makes me having nine lives" Francis Dode said.

"Hmph, very funny" Bloody Sam said sarcastically.


With Eggman he was not happy again, he flips over the TV in rage and screamed, "AAAAAAARGH! NNAAAARGH!!!"

"Ummm, sir" Cubot appeared.

"LEAVE ME FREAKING ALONE!!!" Eggman yelled.

"But sir. Making a werecat in black color only gives it bad luck on itself" Orbot said.

"Who cares?!" Eggman yelled.

"Master, why don't you just take a seat and have some coffee?" Orbot asked. Eggman growls in annoyance and leaves them without a word.

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