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"Oh, come on Shads. Where's your sense of getting scared?" Sonic chuckled at Shadow's grumpy face.

"Because I don't get scared on Halloween" Shadow said.

"Really? Because when we were kids you were scared of monster clowns" Sonic said.

"I acted scared" Shadow said.

"Don't deny it, Shads" Sonic grins.

"Guys! Stop arguing please!" Blaze said.

"Well, better get ready if the kids wants candy from us, I can shapeshift by my warlock magic" Shadow used his magic spell to become a headless horseman.

"Aaaahhhh!!!" Sonic screamed in high-pitch and faints on the floor.

"Who's scared now?" Shadow taunts Sonic, turning back to normal.

Sonic woke up from fainting, "Seriously?! We fought that guy!" he complained, "And it's not even Halloween yet! But of course, I saw some kids wearing costumes of Hedgehog Heroes"

"Looks like our fan base is getting bigger" Amy came in the living room.

"Yup, but let's not have too much paparazzi. It gets a little annoying when we want personal space. No offense" Blaze said.

"Every celebrity wants it" Amy said.

Silver was at his room drawing his lion form, "Rawr! I'm the king of the jungle!" He smirked at this sketch and added the color; once he's finished he pins it on the wall. He got up and walks out of his room to join his friends. But what he didn't know was that Sonic was hiding behind the couch and used an Air Horn prank on Silver.


"AAAHHH!!!" Silver screamed and almost slipped on the floor, "I knew it! I knew you were gonna do something sneaky again!" He said.

"Hehehehe.....Sorry, bud. Just wanted to have some fun" Sonic laughs a bit.

Silver gave a grumpy look, "You don't give up on those Air Horn pranks, do you?" he asked.

"Never" Sonic chuckled.

Just then their rings bleep in alarm, "Oh, great. Who is it this time?" Shadow asked.

"Let me see. Mirror, show me the villain" Amy took out her enchanted mirror and it showed the villain to be one making suits real, like making kids wearing vampire costumes into real vampires.

"What?! This villain is turning the kids wearing Halloween costumes into real ones!" Amy gasped.

"Shit! That means we can't fight back!" Sonic became worried.

"Yeah, and older people can't fight kids like this!" Nebula said with worry.

"What do we do then?" Blaze wondered.

"We find this villain, defeat him, and everything will go back to normal" Sonic suggested.

"All right. Let's transform!" Nebula took out her ring to transform, "HERO TIME!"

Sonic's ring glows and he gets his mask on in a blue glow by swiping his hand over his face. His suit appears onto his hands to feet and he spins around, "BLUE BLUR MAN!" He shouted. A gold ring symbol appears behind him.

Amy spins around and her ring began glowing and she moves her hands over her face as the Diamond Knight's helmet appears. The rest of her armor appeared onto her in a pink flash. She then gets her sword onto her waist with sheath and belt, "DIAMOND KNIGHT!" She shouted, a heart image appears behind her.

"HERE I GO!" Silver used his ring. His Francis Dode outfit appeared, starting with the fedora hat with the golden band and the blue streak on. His whip and grapple-claw appeared in his hands, "FRANCIS DODE!" A fedora symbol appeared behind him.

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