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A new villain known as Fusion has purposely cast a fusion on the Heroes to combine as one. Blue Blur and Diamond Knight were fused together to become an Action/Fantasy hero character and their attire looks like they are wearing a Hogwarts outfit. Bloody Sam and Cosmic Girl were fused together to become Sci-Fi/Horror hero character and their attire or somewhat appearance made them look like they are a hedgehog/xenomorph. And finally, Francis Dode and Flaming Cowgirl were fused together to become an Adventure/Western hero character and their attire somewhat has a little bit of combination.

"AHHHHH!!!! What did you just do to us?!" Both Blue Blur and Diamond Knight or simply call them Blue Diamond, said at the same time.

"Fused you all together! You won't get focus!" Fusion grinned.

"You'll pay for this!" Flaming Francis took out his/her two revolvers and fires green fire bullets. But instead the bullets became flaming horse shoes and flew back at Flaming Francis. He/she dodges in time and Blue Diamond took out his/her staff to fire a magic beam but it blows into his face.

"What the?!" Blue Diamond grew larger ears.

"Allow me!" Cosmic Sam charges up his/her laser vision but instead the beam came uncontrollable through the inner jaw.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Fusion laughed too hard at this.

"Guys, we need to control our mixed up powers!" Blue Diamond said.

"How?!" Cosmic Sam asked.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Good luck with that, fusion hero freaks!" Fusion laughed evilly and left the fusion heroes.

"I feel so humiliated by this!" Flaming Francis screamed. He/she suddenly became a purple lion.

"Guys! Guys! Let's not panic! Man, it's like two of us as one are talking at the same time. Doesn't matter. We just gotta work together, literally, to control our mixed genre powers" Blue Diamond said, looking at his/her outfit of a Hogwarts student in Harry Potter movies.

"He's right. I mean, she's right! Grrr!!! Both are right" Cosmic Sam said, a little frustrated.

Flaming Francis morphed back to a hybrid mobian hedge-cat, "Yeah, its like our genre hero characters are combined as one. For instance, Blue Blur is an Action hero character while Diamond Knight is a Fantasy hero character. Combine them; we get an Action/Fantasy genre. Similar like the Harry Potter movies" Flaming Francis said.

"And I'm like a Sci-Fi horror hero character. Similar combined genre movie like Aliens vs Predator" Cosmic Sam said.

"And as for me, I mean us, probably almost the same. But all those Western movies were like very old. But maybe the old movie The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is more of a Western but a little bit of Adventure in it" Flaming Francis said.

"Django is also adventure and western" Cosmic Sam said.

"True but now let's try our powers" Flaming Francis said.

"Agreed. Now Amy and I look like a Hogwarts student. Which we already know the movie years ago" Blue Diamond said.

"2001, but the books came earlier. Now let's see how we can do" Cosmic Sam said.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I'm on fire!" Flaming Francis accidently set his/her cat tail tip on fire.

"HANG ON!" Blue Diamond casts water onto his/her tail.

"Thank you so much! Now let's see if I can lasso still" Flaming Francis takes out the lasso rope. Blaze's mind helps Silver's by using their combined body and they spin the lasso rope over their head.

"It's working!" They cheered until the lasso rope tied themselves, "Bugger!"

"We gotta work fast. Who knows what that Fusion villain is doing right now" Blue Diamond said.

"You got it!" Flaming Francis said.

Blue Diamond held out his/her staff and they used a spell to try and morph it into a sword, "Blue Blur and Diamond Knight combined as one. BLUE DIAMOND!!" The staff shines and turns into Diamond Knight's sword but with a pink and blue handle, "Cool!"

"Bloody Sam and Cosmic Girl combined as one. COSMIC SAM!!!" Cosmic Sam held out his/her xenomorph tail like Bloody Sam's dual arm blades.

"Flaming Cowgirl and Francis Dode combined as one! FLAMING FRANCIS!" Flaming Francis used both the lasso and the whip.

"Now let's go find that villain and kick his ass!" Blue Diamond said.

"YEAH!" They all shouted to find Fusion.


Fusion was attacking several people to try to fuse them with each other. He would try to fuse even animals. He casts a fusion onto Rouge and Knuckles who was trying to attack him but they got fused. They looked at their reflection, "I GOT A CHICK BODY!" Knuckles screamed in his and Rouge's fused body.

"Yeah, see how that feels to have both man and woman combined as one!" Fusion laughed evilly.

"You think so?!" Flaming Francis roared, he/she was now a purple and gray T-rex.

"INCOMING!!!" Giant Blue Diamond punches Fusion over to them.

"SCREEEEEEEEECH!!!!" Cosmic Sam using ultrasonic screech at Fusion.

"AAAARGH!" Fusion held for his ears. But then Flaming Sam grabs him by the teeth and shakes him violently before throwing him down.

"Now guys!" Blue Diamond gave the signal to his/her team mates and they prepared for one more strike. With all of their fusion powers they did their final blow attack on the villain.

As their attacks hits him they defused to their normal selves along with the others including Rouge and Knuckles. Where Fusion stood was now a comic titled 'Hedgehog Heroes and the Fusion.'

"I'm back to my body! Thank god!" Knuckles hugging himself in relief.

"Same here, Knuckie" Rouge said.

"Phew, that's better than being both girl and boy at the same time" Silver said in relief.

"I agree. But it also did teach us something new. Genre combinations" Amy said.

"Exactly. Action and Fantasy works together Ames" Sonic said.

"Not to mention science fiction and horror like Alien or Predator movies" Shadow said.

"Where does comedy come in?" Knuckles asked in a stupid way.

"Rarely. It's just to make people laugh" Blaze said.

"Right. I may not be smart but I know comedy" Knuckles said.

"And of course, we all have both good and bad sides in our personality. If you compare Shadow he's both good and bad at the same time. Combine that together you get neutral fusion sort of thing" Sonic explained.

"Mmhmm" Shadow crossed his arms.

"What he means is that you show some grumpiness and lack of feelings on the outside. But on the inside you have soft and caring feelings but you don't like showing it in front of everyone" Nebula said to him.

"Yes. Now let's go home" Shadow said. taking the comic and walks with the rest of the team.

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