Voodoo Girl

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Amy was finished making homemade dolls of Hedgehog Heroes. And including the dolls of Blaze and Nebula. She then placed them on a line and takes a picture of them.

"Yep, one to Instagram" Amy said and takes the Diamond Knight doll.

"Working on dolls I see" Sonic came into the room.

"Oh hi Sonikku. I made this for you" Amy gave him the Blue Blur doll.

"Oh thank you Amy. It looks very cute" Sonic said, "Something you planned on to make dolls for merchandise?" he asked since he heard that everyone loved their comics.

"Perhaps one day Sonikku. I could make more if you like" Amy said. Sonic smiled and takes one more look at his doll and then on the other dolls, "Wow, you got the details just right"

"Precisely. I have worked on them for days" Amy said.


With Eggman, he was working on a voodoo doll girl villain. Not like the size of a doll but an average human size, "I know just what to do. Those boys don't have the guts to fight women. If Voodoo Girl can take control of the girls' dolls, those boys won't be able to defeat this villain when they are facing against the girls. This is brilliant!" he laughed evilly. He puts the drawing into his evil magic book and she emerged out of it.

"What is my bidding?" Voodoo Girl asked.

"Go and take over Amy, Nebula and Blaze" he said.


At the hedgehog penthouse, the heroes were simply playing with the dolls for fun.

"Come on, team! We got a city to save!" Sonic imitating as Blue Blur with the doll.

"Good luck out there my hero" Shadow imitating as Nebula with the doll along with his Bloody Sam doll.

"I will be back my princess" Silver used his Francis Dode doll to Blaze's doll, "Have faith in you" He imitates Blaze.

"Hehehehehe......This is too cute like when we were kids" Amy giggled.

"Yeah. Should we join them?" Nebula asked.

"Nah, I rather watch the roleplay by them" Amy said. Blaze agreed and watched them play. But they did not know that the Voodoo Girl was about to do her deed.

"Hmm?" Nebula's ears start to twitch, "Oh, come on!" she growled under her breath.

"What's wrong?" Silver asked Nebula.

"Trouble" Nebula gave a sharp glare at a direction of where the danger is.

Then, the window breaks when the Voodoo Girl jumps through them, "Now to get just the doll copies" She said and hides from the Blaze and the hedgehogs. She then came out of her hiding place while they were distracted and then something caught her eye, the dolls.

"Yes. Those dolls" she chuckled evilly.

All of a sudden, the boys saw the girl dolls floating in the air.

"What is this?" Sonic was shocked.

"This is called voodoo!" The Voodoo Girl said.

"Hey! Give back those dolls!" Nebula growled.

"They are mine now! You ladies are my puppets now!" Voodoo Girl puts 3 pins on each of the girl dolls to control them.

"OW!!" Nebula, Blaze, and Amy screamed and could not move. Their eyes turn pure white like they don't have their eye colors. This even forces Amy to turn into Diamond Knight and her sword appeared too.

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