Pigeon King

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Shadow discovered his ability to turn into any animal from the horror stories. Examples like werewolf, bat, and black cat. But only when he's in his Bloody Sam form.

"That's new, Shads" Sonic said to Shadow that is now a black non-mobian cat.

"Yeah. Black cats brings bad luck to the bad guys now. It's like a concealed weapon" Shadow said.

"You betcha, Shads. When you are a werewolf you might be a strong badass dog" Sonic joked.

"Yes, I am a badass" Shadow said, "Meow"

"Aww......" Amy smiled.

"What?" Shadow asked.

"It's just that you so look cute" Amy said.

"Hmph! I'm not cute, Rose" Shadow scoffed in annoyance.

"Oh, really?" Amy smirked and held out a yarn ball.

"Oh, hell no! Don't you dare, Rose!" Shadow's eyes widen.

"Come and get it!" Amy threw the yarn.

"MEEOOOWWW!!!!" Shadow crouches down and leaps out to catch the yarn, gnawing on it.

"For an Ultimate Kitty Cat, you have nine lives" Sonic chuckled.

"Hmph! Very funny, Faker" Shadow scoffed.

Silver just came in with a box of pizza, "Hey, guys"

"Silver check this out" Sonic said.

Silver puts the pizza box on the table and sees a black non mobian cat playing with a yarn, "Awww. One for Instagram" Silver quickly took out his iPhone and took a picture.

"MEOOOOWWWW!!!!!!" Shadow got spooked and jumps into Amy's arms, "Don't try to laugh, Rose" Shadow hissed lowly.

"Why?" Amy asked.

"I feel so humiliated right now. Remove that image at once Silver or I'll claw you!" Shadow shows his claws.

"Jeez, Shads. Why do you have to be such a grump?" Silver glared and deletes the picture from his iPhone, "Happy now?"

"I simply am, now back down" Shadow said, he then jumps off Amy's arms and morphs back to Bloody Sam, then to his normal self, "So you brought pizza, huh?"

"Yup. Cheese pizza you all like" Silver said.

"Yes. I'll get our Pepsi" Sonic heads to the fridge. They had their pizzas at the dining table.

"Say, what do you think of pigeons Shadow?" Sonic asked Shadow.

"What kind of question is that? I don't like them" Shadow said.

"Well I thought if you had an allergy against them as soon as feathers are near your nose" Sonic said.

"I'm not allergic, Sonic" Shadow said.

"Are you sure?" Sonic asked. Shadow replied with a nod and continues eating his pizza.


Eggman was in his laboratory sketching another villain coming in his mind, "Hehehehehe! This Pigeon Man shall scare those who fear birds until they run like cowards and turn their pet birds against them" Eggman finished his sketch. He then added gray, pink and blue grey color to the pigeon humanoid. Once that's done he puts the sketch on the magic evil book to bring it to life.

"YES! Now uh....The Pigeon King, go and turn the pigeons against the humans and mobians!" Eggman said to his creation.

"CROOO CROO COO!" The Pigeon King made cooing noises before flying out of the laboratory to the city.

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