Chapter 3

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Ruby's POV

"My majesty he returned!" A maid yelled as I rushed and followed her to the ballroom. "My queen." He bowed as soon as I opened the door. "Your back did you." I said as I was interrupted by "Yeah I did." He said walking to my side to see them all on the floor. "Are you OK?" I asked as I walked over to a boy wearing a blue hat with a pine tree on it.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said as he made eye contact with me his checks turned a deep red color. "Do you have a fever?" I asked feeling his forehead. "N-no it's just." He said as a girl who looked just like him tackled him. "Dipper oh my goodness don't tell me your in." "No I'm not!" He yelled pushing her off of him.

"Are you two twins?" I asked. "Yep my names Mabel and his name is Dipper." The girl said as she smiled showing off her braces. "Mabel and Dipper." I repeated. "This is Stanley and Stanford." He introduced me to the old two men. "Twins as well." He finished. "Hello your majesty." Ford bowed as he elbowed his brother in the side. "Oh yes your majesty." Stan bowed. "Please just call me Ruby." I said as they stood up tall. "Well then it's a pleasure Ruby." Ford said showing his hand. "Do you have six fingers?" I asked as he wiggles his fingers. "Why yes I do." He smiled.

"That's so cool." I said gently grabbing his hand. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah I've never seen it before I've never read about it either." I said investigating his hand. "I find it quite fascinating." I said. "Well you need out help so I suggest we make a plan." Ford said.

"Yeah a plan." I said. "You don't have a plan do you." He said rubbing my head. "Well I think the people need to get away from here or build shelter." I said touching then ends of my index fingers together. "So why haven't you don't that yet?" He asked. "I'm scared to tell them they might panick." I said.

"I'll invite everyone to the kingdom tonight so you can tell them." He said disappearing. "He's really weird isn't he?" Dipper asked. "Like you would not believe." I sighed. Then, I noticed all lot more people behind them. Dipper and Mabel introduced me to them all.


"I really should have brought a jacket." I said rubbing my arms. I chased Sapphire into the woods behind the castle. It's so freaking cold and I feel like I'm being watched. "Meow." A little cute voice says as I look down I see a silver kitty. "What is something like you doing out here?" I asked as it slowly approached and with every step I heard a little jingle. When it sat in front of me I saw a chain. "Who would do such a thing?" I asked as I kneed down trying to help it but it just ran off.

So I chased after it not long after I lost sight of it. Not long after I felt something crawling up my leg. When I looked down I saw a silver snake with the same chain on it. When I tried to pull it off it just ran away. "What's wrong with this forest!?" I shouted as I looked up. "There's nothing wrong with forest just something wrong with you." A voice said as I looked around for the source.

"Who are you?" I asked. "Nobody important I don't even have a name." It said. "Everyone is important." I said as a young boy appeared from behind a tree. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a shirt and pants covered in mud. I walked over to him as I kneed down. "What's your name?" I asked. "Richard Shawn." He said. "I'm Ruby Smith where's your mother at?" I asked. "Mommy told me to wait for her." He said. "She told you to stay here by yourself?" I asked he nodded his head yes. "Then you must be a brave young man." I smiled as I ruffled his blonde hair. "Yes ma'am." He stood up straight.

"Looks like you've meet Richard." A voice said. "He was a victim of your sisters who went missing yesterday." The voice continued as Richard disappeared and everything turned black. "He was cute wasn't he now his gone." The voice said. "Get out of my head!" I yelled as opened my eyes and sat up straight. "Did you have a nightmare?" He asked. "Just stop it already I don't want to hurt her." I said. "Well she's hurting your people all you have to do is meet her in the woods tomorrow and stab her." He said. "No I can't do it." I whined as I flipped away from him. "Humans." He mumbled. "Haven't you had any emotions?" I asked. "Of coarse I have but disposable of them they started to interfere with my work." He said. "Your not doing any work right now." I groaned.

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