Chapter 22:Confession

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"W-we really need to stop teleporting." I said laying on the floor on my back. "Ruby are you OK?" Toby asked feeling my forehead. "I'm fine." I wheezed. "You have a fever." Toby said. "I-I'll be fine." I said trying to stand up but fell back on my stomach. "Ruby you need to sit and take it easy." Chris ordered. "Omega help me." Toby said as him,Omega,and Chris picked me up into the chair.

"What's wrong with her?" Luc asked. "I-I don't know." Omega said. "Omega take Toby and Luc and help Dipper I'll stay here with Ruby." Chris said. "Ok." They agreed and walked out of the house. "It's going to be OK Ruby your body just isn't used to teleporting." Chris said. "B-but Toby's I-I-is." I said closing on eye and breathing heavily. "Fine. I know maybe it isn't teleporting." Chris said as he snapped his fingers. A blanket and a bowl of soup appeared in my lap.

"Anyways you need to get well now." Chris said as a spoon appeared in his left hand. "Y-your left handed?" I asked. "Yeah Cipher's have the entire gene code." Chris said taking a spoonful of soup and shoved it into my mouth.

Sapphire's POV

"Stopping Sapphire is number one priority." Mizu said as she hit a chalkboard with a ruler. "Getting Uni back together isn't?" Kasai asked. "Yeah doesn't Uni hold this universe together what happens if he can't hold it?" Dipper asked. "Don't worry about that." Mizu said. "But." Mabel said but stopped when Mizu broke the ruler.

She scares me so much. "Since none of us know when she is we have to get Chris now." Mizu sighed throwing the rest of the ruler and Uni who swiftly dodged it. "Let's get going." Uni said as a portal appeared on the wall. "Kasai,Mabel,and Sapphire should stay here." Mizu said. "Yeah no I'm not staying here." I said Mizu clenched her fist.

"Fine." Mizu said walking through the portal. "She's going to snap very soon." Dipper whispered as Uni walked in the portal. "Very unstable." I said as we walked through the portal.

Ruby's POV

"I got some of my strength back thanks Chris." I smiled as Chris made the bowl and spoon disappear into thin air. "Best doctor around." Chris said proudly as a portal opened on the floor. The portal shot up
Uni,Mizu,Dipper and Sapphire.

"Sapphire." I said as I already felt the tears coming into my eyes. "Ruby." Sapphire said hugged me. "Jeez it's only been a couple of months." I chuckled as Sapphire let go of me. "Still not very humorous." Sapphire smiled. "Ruby." Dipper said pushing Sapphire aside. "I'm fine." I said trying to smile. "No your not." Uni said.

"Uni what is it?" Chris asked as Uni kneeled in front of me. "Let's see." Uni said. The lights went out making the house completely dark. My body felt funny and then it started shining. Showing my bone structure I saw Chris pass out on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Sapphire asked. "X-ray I don't see anything." Uni stopped mid sentence and his eyes widen. "Th-that can't be." Uni said as the lights back on and Uni was walking away slowly. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Sapphire remember that book you were reading what did it say?" Uni asked.

"It was our dad saying he was going to visit his brother." Sapphire said looking down trying to collect her thoughts. "Hiding his powers,trying to get out of this universe,and you not detecting him." Sapphire said opening her eyes. Uni pulled a needle from his pocket and prickled my finger. I slightly winced at the pain as he looked at the blood on the needle.

"Chris." Uni said as Chris didn't get back up. Uni sighed as he walked over to Chris and poked his finger with a different needle. Chris was just still passed out. Uni looked at both needles very carefully then a bottle appeared on top of his head. "Interesting." Uni said as he put the needles in the bottle which had a white cream in it.

After a few blood drops fell in it turned red and he closed it the bottle. Then he shock it before giving it to me. "Drink it." He ordered as I opened it back up. "What will happen?" I asked looking at it. "Just drink it." Uni said as I did as he said and everything went black.

Then I was surrounded by white. "Why does this always happen to me?" I asked looking around. "Don't worry hopefully this will be the last time." Uni said as he appeared out of nowhere. "Doubt it." I said spinning around so that I was upside down. "Let's see." Uni said as DNA double helix appeared.

"Ok so your dad is related to our family. Cipher blood unpredictable." Uni sighed. "What's that suppose to mean?" I asked floating next to him. "It explains why me and my siblings all have different hair colors. Ciphers have every DNA code. My hair could have been pink or blue." Uni chuckled.

"Pink." I said. "But it's silver." Uni said. "Wait go back a bit my dad is a cipher?" I asked. "Apparently so but not just any cipher my uncle." Uni said. Great I'm cousins with a powerful space god. "Looks that way." Uni said reading my thoughts. "What does this mean for us now?" I asked. "I think I figured out why Evil Sapphire wants you." Uni smirked rubbing his chin. "I'll tell you along with the others." Uni said as he disappeared and I woke back up.

"Evil Sapphire plans to make Ruby hers." Uni announced. "What's that suppose to mean?" Sapphire asked. "Remember the chain that control me. Well Evil Sapphire plans to do the same to Ruby." Uni said. "If she succeeds we could be in danger." Chris said sitting straight up.

"Ruby doesn't even have any powers." Dipper pointed out. "Sapphire can make them appear since her 'powers' have been sitting for 14 years." Uni said. "If they were to be unleashed let's just say she'll be making up for lost time." Chris finished. "Sh-she can't be strong right?" Dipper asked. "Ruby's powers are separated though." Uni said looking at Sapphire. "Won't one just reunite with the other one?" Mizu asked. "It's a possibility." Uni said rubbing his chin.

"More of the reason to keep evil Sapphire away from Ruby." Dipper stepped in. "Agreed." Uni agreed with Dipper. "I don't think this dimension is safe." Uni said. "Then where?" I asked as Uni picked me up bridal style.

A portal opened on the wall. "You'll see." Uni said carrying me through the portal.

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