Chapter 14

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Ruby's MOM POV


"Your so arrogant." He said as I tried to control my breathing as my chest grew heavier. "Why did you choose Ruby?" He asked as I looked over at him and smiled. "If you do speak the truth about what she is then she deserves to be queen." I explained as he took my hand into his. "Do you know what happened to her father?" He asked. "Of course not." I wheezed as he kissed my hand. As images of three children a mother and their father appeared. "So that's who he was." I smiled as I my breathing stopped and my eyes closed.

Ruby's POV

"Where are we?" I heard Dippers voice asked as I opened my eyes. It was black but there was little white lights. "I think we're in outer space." I said everyone was still holding hands. "So why did come here again?" Mabel asked. "To see the creater whatever that means." Finn said. "Sorry to keep you wanting." A voice said as a person appeared in the middle of the circle. He had silver hair that was long it went on for what looked like forever. His eyes were a light crystal blue and he looked at me with kind eyes.

"Fate changers I wasn't expecting you." He said. "Wait are you Uni?" I asked as he gave me a small smile. "Since it's clear everyone is confused I'll tell you everything." Uni sighed as Trixie and boy appeared next to him.

"Years ago when Chris was 7 years old I used this sword." Uni begin as he pulled kit then sword Bill gave me. "When I split it made what you know as Bill and another black goo. I took Bill and placed him in the second dimension where I thought he would be safe. Obviously I was wrong." Uni said looking towards Dipper and Mabel.

"I never imagined the two would be back together again. Any questions?" He asked as everyone just stared at him. "What are the fate changers?" Toby asked. "Well you guys are. I made you to change fate which you've all done you even changed others fate." Uni said. "For example Dipper remember when Bill possessed your body?" Uni asked. "I'll never forget it." Dipper cringed. "Sadly you weren't suppose to get your body back but since Mabel chose you she was able to change fate." Uni said as Dipper and Mabel looked at each other with a smile on their face.

"Another example Ruby." Uni said turning to me. "Sapphire was never suppose to be born." Uni said. "So I'm guessing were suppose to save everyone." Finn said. "No like I said you change fate so you make that decision. Which you all did." Uni smiled.

"Now you all get one question and one answer." Uni said holding both of his hand up with one finger held up on each. "Me first me first!" Mabel yelled. "Ok go ahead Mabel." Uni said. "Where are we?" Mabel asked. "Um in between dimension right now so outer space." Uni said. "What's up with your hair?" Jake asked. "Oh this thing I used to be able to comb it. But ever since you've been born it's been a tangled mess." Uni laughed stroking his hair. "No I mean why don't you cut it?" Jake asked.

"Because bad things could happen to tons of people." Uni said as his smile disappeared and re-appeared. "What happened to my mom?" Finn asked. "Let's see she was separated from you so Jake parents adapted you. But I believe she is someone you've already met ( AN:*wink wink* Larry I know your secrets.)" Uni said  

"So who was the silver haired guy that's been with Ruby this whole time?" Dipper asked. "That was half of me just like I split Chris I also split myself. He didn't want a name so he was better by himself." Uni explained. "Who was your dad?" Toby suddenly asked it took everyone by surprise. Even me everyone stared at him with a wide jaw.

"Nice question Toby. My father was one of many Cipher's who created their own universes. Then after a while it was about to conquer 7 Sextillion years ago to be precise." Uni said frowned as he looked at Chris. "When Chris was born. He was even named after the man who tried to conquered it." Uni chuckled.

"My father I don't know what became of him I always thought he died but now I don't know." Uni looked back at Toby and I. He looked back and forth at us. "Can you bring Asriel back?" Frisk asked for the first time since I've seen her/he. "And Chara?" Frisk asked again. "Of coarse I can." Uni said as Frisk nodded her head. No idea why she/he asked that. "How did my mother die?" I asked. "Let's see after giving birth to a second baby. She grew very ill and died." Uni said.

"Because of Sapphire." I whispered as I grabbed the necklace on my neck. "Anyways so what are you fate changers going to do?" Uni asked as he was upside down. "What should we do?" I sighed. "Well we did technically defeat a group of bad guys and saved a kingdom." Mabel smiled. "I think a celebration is an order." Jake said as they looked at me. "Fair point we'll also make it a farewell party." I said.

"Farewell party?" Dipper frowned. "Yeah since the threat to our universe is gone it's time for you all to go home." I smiled. "Sounds good to me." Finn said. I looked over at Toby who had his head down.

"What are you going to do with them?" Toby asked. "Well I'll let them choose." Uni sighed. "See you guys later better go plan your party!" Uni yelled as he disappeared and we were back in my dimension.

"Your back!" Ford yelled as he ran over to Dip and Mabel. "Great uncle Ford your never going believe what we just learned!" Dipper yelled as they walked off. "Where did everyone else go?" Toby asked. "They just disappeared what happen to Uni?" Sapphire asked walking up to us. "He got his family back." I smiled. "Wait he had a family?" Sapphire asked. "Yeah I'm just as surprised as you." I laughed as she joined me.

"How did you get out of the box?" I asked as she looked at Tony who smiled and shrugged. "We needed the extra help." Toby said and walked away from any farther questions. "He seems different when he did he become so heroic?" Sapphire asked I shrugged. "Probably gets it from you." Sapphire said punching my shoulder. "No he gets it from you I'm far from being a hero." I chuckled as the towns people went back to their homes. "Now come on we have a party to plan!" I yelled dragging her towards the castle.

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