Chapter 15

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Uni's POV

As soon they returned to Ruby's dimension. I clutched my chest with my hand. "What did you do to me?" I whispered as I fell down. "Uni what's wrong!?" Trixie yelled as she put me in her lap. "It's just I haven't been myself lately." I smiled as Chris appeared behind her. "Is Uni going to be OK?" Chris asked. Trixie looked at him then turned back to me with a big grin on her face. "He's going to be more than ok." Trixie answered.

"Chris I'm sorry I split you in half." I said. "Don't worry about it two different experiences it's so cool!" Chris yelled excitedly. "Trixie I'm sorry I'm the one who knocked you out and p wake you up." I apologized. "It's OK and I already knew." She  said. "So what are we going to do now?" Trixie asked.

"We?" I said. "Yeah we're a team Ciphers for life." Trixie said. "Ciphers for life." Chris repeated punching the air. "Ciphers for life." I smiled as I stood up. "I think we should look for our dad." Chris said suddenly. "Wait really." I said as Chris nodded his head yes.

"Yeah Trixie said she found a lead and I want to know why me." Chris said. "Ok if that's what you want." Trixie said. "No harm in adventure." I said.

Ruby's POV

"Still a party planner I see." I said admiring her work ribbons everywhere and balloons on the ceiling. "I've been stuck in a box what do you expect?" Sapphire grinned ear from ear. "I've been meaning to ask how are you still alive. After fighting Anti me?" I asked as she shrugged and went back to throwing ribbons everywhere.

Uni said that to stress is bad. Maybe she isn't stressed. "Look at what I found!" Mabel yelled bringing in a karaoke box and dragging it to the middle of the ballroom. "We can sing in front of cute boys!" Grenda yelled. "Cute boys." Candy said. "You guys found a karaoke machine I didn't think Ruby would have any!" Sapphire yelled joining the group of girls.

"What why not?" Mabel asked I did a mental face palm as Sapphire opened her mouth. "Ruby has never been the best singer we always lipsticked." Sapphire explained. "You can't sing." BP asked. "Of course I can." I said turning a little pink. "Then you'll be fine performing tonight for the party?" Sapphire asked. "Yep." I lied.

"Ok I get to pick the song!" Mabel yelled going through the different songs. What have I gotten myself into?

"Hey Ruby I need you to sign this." Toby said handing me papers. "What's it for?" I asked as he glanced behind to see Finn and Jake. "Nothing important just sign here." He said pointing at the dotted line. I signed it Ruby and gave it back to him. "Thank you!" Toby yelled as Finn and Jake followed him.

"So weird." I commented. Just then a group of guards were helping Papyrus put on a suit of armor. "You look good Papyrus." Undyne grinned. "I KNOW RIGHT!" Papyrus squealed like a fan girl. "Do you another one?" Mettaton asked. "Yes come with me." One of the guards said dragging Mettaton away and down the hall.

"Come on Ford loosen up a bit." Stan laughed as he hit his brother on the back. "Mcgucket hit it!" Dipper yelled as Mcgucket started playing the banjo. He wasn't that bad actually. The guy with the bright blonde hair started dancing along with the red hair girl. "This castle has 100 rooms that is so much more than my old mansion." Pacifica said looking around.

"Hey your Ruby right?" Wendy asked as she walked next to me. "Yeah that's me." I laughed nervously. "Can I ask you for a favor?" She asked. "Yes if coarse." I said. "Try not to break Dippers heart." Wendy said as we both looked over at him. "I won't." I smiled and she smiled back. Wendy left went back over to her friends as I supervised everyone who was playing around.

Eventually I got bored so I walked back to the library. "Ruby." A small voice whispered. "Who's that?" I asked as I looked around for the source. "Its an old friend." The voice became clear as I turned around I saw Uni holding his siblings hands. "Uni." I said walked towards them. "Yeah I just wanted to say thank you." Uni smiled. "Seems out of character for you." I said. "You'd be surprised he just apologized to Chris and I." Trixie said. "I think he started crying." Trixie whispered. 

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