Chapter 23:Apple doesn't fall from the tree

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Years later

Mizu's POV

I peeked around the corner to see Nick walked with his friends. "Maybe you should go talk to him." Sebastian said from behind me. "I can't do that." I said watching Nick come closer towards me. "Come on Viola it's been what 3 months or years." Sebastian said as I put my back against the wall. "Years." I said sliding down to the floor. "Come on girl go ask him to the movies." Sebastian said sitting next to me as Nick passed by.

His beautiful dark blue eyes looked at me with his blonde hair swept on his forehead. "Hey guys." Nick waved as he passed by. "Sup Nick." Sebastian said as I tried to find my voice. Sebastian sighed as he turned back to Nick. "Hey Nick do you want to go to the movies with us tomorrow night?" Sebastian asked. "Yeah sure." Nick said walking away.

"See not hard." Sebastian said standing up then helping me up. "Easy for you to say you already have a girlfriend." I said. "Wait isn't your anniversary tomorrow?" I asked. "Yep and I'm taking Katherine to her favorite restaurant." Sebastian said pumping his chest out with pride I guess. "What about the movie?" I asked.

"Your going alone with Nick." Sebastian explained. "Sebastian I can't do that!" I yelled as everyone turned their head towards us. I pulled Sebastian outside as the bell finally rang. "Sorry Viola but you need to learn how to take care of yourself." Sebastian said. "Says the guy who doesn't even know how to make his own bed." I said. "I-it's to hard!" He yelled as we walked on the sidewalk next to loud cars.

"Also I'm more mature than you." I said. "Really the girl who can't even talk to her crush." Sebastian chuckled. "Whatever I'll ask mom for some help." I said. "Both of our parents suck at romance that's where you get it from." Sebastian said. "Then what about you 'cool guy'." I said using air quotes for the end. "Have you met our aunts I'm one of. I'm perfect." Sebastian said grinning at me. "Perfectly annoying." I groaned as I opened out house door. Mom was sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Hey mom." Sebastian and I said in unison as we dropped our bags on the table. "Hi kids how was school." Mom asked as Sebastian sat next to her. "Terrible." I said. "It was eventful." Sebastian said still smiling. "Where's dad?" I asked. "In his lab." Mom answered as I walked into the gift shop. Where Soos was selling merchandise. "Viola give this to your dad for me." Soos said handing me a letter. "Okay Soos." I said inputting the code on the vending machine and went to the lowest level.

I looked at the front of the letter.

From Stanley and Stanford

I wonder why they would send a letter. Also how I thought they left for Antarctica? When the elevator finally stopped and opened. "Dad!?" I yelled walking out as I saw my dad wearing a lab coat and goggles. "Viola what are you doing here?" Dad asked clearly working on a project. "Nothing just came to ask how did you and mom start dating?" I asked and he immediately dropped the screwdriver he was using. "Wh-why do you want to know that?" Dad asked blushing from embarrassment.

"Just curious." I said walking towards the watches. "W-well your mother I-I-is more um." Dad trying to find the right words. "Flirty and outgoing." I said as nodded his head yes. "Exactly." He said as I easily slipped the watches into my pocket. "Bye papa." I said running back to the elevator. I don't think he noticed me. Hopefully not its not like he'll yell at me. 

When I opened I ran back to the living room and grabbed Sebastian's hand. "Where are we going?" Sebastian asked as I pulled him upstairs. "Wait." I said as I opened my door and dragged him inside. I closed the door. "Viola what's wrong?" Sebastian asked as I showed him the watches. "Y-you stole them?" Sebastian asked. "Yeah dad couldn't tell me." I said handing him one. "Cool so where are we going?" Sebastian asked as I pulled two black cloaks out of my closet. "When mom and dad first meet." I said trying to remember the date.

"It think it was 1989." Sebastian said. "They aren't that old." I said. "I'm closer than what you would have said." Sebastian said. "I was going to say 2015." I said as Sebastian just waved me off and put his cloak on. "See you later." Sebastian said as he disappeared into small fragments. "Seriously." I groaned putting my cloak on. "He probably went to 1980 that idiot." I said setting my watch and teleported.

Ruby's POV

Uni walked onto a beach. "Swimming?" I questioned. "This place." Mizu groaned. "Yes now come on." Uni said as we walked toward a mountain that was curved like a giant women. There was a small cabin house on the mountain. "Steven." Mizu said banging on the door with tons of holes in it. As a boy that looked twelve answered the door. He had black curly hair but his shirt I knew right away. It was what Uni told me his shirt red with a star in the middle. "Of course they can stay here!" Steven said excitedly. Uni placed me on what I assume was a couch. "We'll be back to get you after everything's over with." Uni promised looking directly into my eyes. His eyes were different than before. Back then when he looked at me they were always glossy avoid of emotion and life. But now when I look into them I see respect and amazement. "Yeah it'll be over quick." Dipper said making Uni sigh as he moved away. "Bye Ruby." Dipper said leaning down next to me. "Bye my knight in shining armor." I joked making Dipper blush. "Y-yeah that's me." Dipper awkwardly chuckled as Mizu eyes were looking at every detail like she was making a metal note. "Uni please protect Dipper." I said. Uni glanced over at Dipper who tripped over literally nothing. "No promises." Uni said picking Dipper by the vest as a portal opened up and swallowed all of them. "What do you do for fun?" Toby asked Steven.

Chris's POV

Looking for Sapphire was no easy task so we got Lucifer to help. Since I can only look to the future but he can look in the past. "Why did you break up with Dipper like that!?" I heard Omega shout at Violet. My eyes were closed whisk I held Lucifer's left hand. "Sorry but I didn't want to out with him in the first place." Mizu said irritated. "I still remember the chains." Kasai shivered at the thought. I saw Sebastian stripped onto a table with the evil twins next to him. "No Luc!" I yelled trying to erase the thought. "S-s-so s-sorry." He apologized as it disappeared. "My brother was almost killed!" Omega yelled. "Okay I'm sorry if I went their myself he might have killed me. Since I can't heal myself that didn't seem smart." Mizu explained as Trixie appeared in my head. With a year this year. She was holding up a sign that read 'Chris hurry up Sapphire is almost done.' It didn't shock me one bit. She flipped the sign over 'I'm at Ruby and Sapphire's castle.'. Geez she already knows. "Found her." Luc and I said in unison. "She's still alive?" Uni clearly sounded surprise. "You expected her to be dead!?" I yelled standing up on my tipy toes trying to get taller than my brother. "No I did." Omega admitted looking down. "Do you have a time?" Mizu asked. "This present." We answered. "Let's go I want to get this over with." Sebastian sighed putting down a dress he was knitting. "We don't even have a plan!" Mizu yelled at her twin. "Your smart make one then." Sebastian argued. Viola instantly walked outside slamming the door behind her. Luc laid his head in my lap as I stroke his blue hair. "Hey Kasai can I ask you something?" Dipper asked. "Fire away." Sebastian groaned picking up the dress again. He was still upset. "Why did you use the time travel in the first place?" Dipper asked. "Is that what she told you!?" Sebastian said getting angrier by the minute. "Well she wanted to go back to get dating advise. From our parents." Sebastian explained. "Aren't your parents." Uni shoved his hand on Omega's mouth. "That's none of our business." Uni said looking at his reverse self. "Anyways she wanted to go back I was just supporting her." Sebastian handed Mabel the finished dress. "It's wonderful how did you make it!?" Mabel squealed in delight. "Believe it or not I want to be a fashion designer." Sebastian chuckled happily. I guess knitting makes him happy. Luc's started crying in his sleep. "You'd be really good." Mabel was attempting to put the dress over her head. Once she got it on she started squealing again. It was a purple dress with a light purple ribbon on the waist. With a shooting star on the chest. "Thanks one of my best works." Sebastian pulled his phone out for Mabel to see. Every now and then she would squeal or say "I want that one!". Not long after I fell asleep on top of Lucifer.

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