Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)

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A clear summer morning. The trees were high and mighty, the flowers bloomed all round. A girl and a boy were running, playing a game of some sort. "I'm coming for you Alice!" He yelled. The girl smirked to herself. She ran to the beach trying to hide, but the boy sneaked behind her and yelled, "Boo!"

"Peter!" Alice yelled. Peter grabbed her before she could hit the water. "I won't let anything hurt you." Peter said. "Good. I don't want to leave." Alice said. "Who said anything about leaving?" Peter asked getting a little angry. "Tinkerbell said I have to go back." Alice said tying to come him down. They went back to the camp and she waited in Peter's tent. She looked at the drawing of a girl and knew who she was. "I love you my daughter." She whispered. Then she when outside to Peter and said, "Take me back to my home. I have loved spending time here with you and the lost boys but I have to go home." Peter nodded and started to cry a little. "Hey! Don't cry! Me going home is a good thing." Alice said. "What do you mean?" Peter asked. "My child, my daughter will be your your............"  

*end of dream*

"Alice!" Peter screamed that woke the lost boys. "Pan, what's wrong?" Felix asked. "Alice." Peter said. "She had a daughter recently." "I know." Peter got up and said, "tell them to go back to sleep." Peter flew away. He flew to New York and saw Alice with her baby girl. "I believe." Alice said. The window flew open and there was Peter Pan. "You called?" He said. Alice giggled and her baby smiled. "She's beautiful like you." He remarked. "Her name is Clarissa. Clarissa Wendy Jones." Peter eyes wined as he took her from Alice. "She's Hook's niece yes but she is something to you as well Peter." "What?" "You forgotten." Alice said as she took her baby in her arms. "What was that?" Peter asked. "I got it." Alice said she ran downstairs and never came back up. "Alice?" Peter asked. He went down and saw her dead. Cold dead on the ground.

"Oh! Poor Alice! She had a bright future!" A voice said but now just any voice the dark one. "What do you want?" Peter shouted. "You see, Pan. She didn't believe like she used to.Oh no no no! She believed that her daughter could save you and she will do just that. So, Clarissa brought me here." The dark one answered. Peter looked at her body. "I will never see her again." Peter whispered. "You will see me!" A voice shouted. "Who's there?" Peter shouted. "Pan. Look." The dark one said. He looked closely and it was Alice . "You will see me in Neverland but as a fairy or as myself before I left." Alice said. "So you will come back?" The dark one asked. "When the time comes yes but now I need you to make sure that Clary will get to a place called Storybrook." Alice said before she faded. "I am heading there right now." The dark one said.

"Wait." Peter said. "Will I ever see her again?" "Nope." The dark one said. "Trust me. You will see her when the time comes but for now you need to say goodbye to Clary." The dark one gave the basket to Peter.

"Never forget me or the lost boys or Neverland because I will find you....."

"Clarissa Wendy Jones."

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