Chapter 6

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You forgotten about me! 


He left. Just left. "You ok? I mean you didn't touch your dinner." Peter said trying to get in my head. "Nothing. I just wasn't hungry." I lied and he noticed. "Your lying. Clary tell me truth!" He ordered. "Pan. Clam down." Felix said. "No! I will not! She lied!" Peter said. I my head started to hurt and I heard a voice. "Hook" I whispered. "Pan!" Emma shouted. "Emma. Nice to see you again." He said. "Hook. Come out." I said. Felix looked at me as Hook came out. "Well, it seems she has her mother's talent. Keep her close pan." Hook said. "What do you want?" Peter roared. "Clary and Henry." Emma said. "Well I haven't see Henry seen he said he never wanted to leave." I sat there silent. He was lying to them in front of me. "What's that?" Hook asked me. I still had my forever ring on, the people at the foster care told me that my mother left this for me. I remember the day Regina took me and Henry in which was also the day I got the ring. "The ring my mother left for me." I said.


I was three years old. There's a baby in the crib I thought. "Ms. Mar! Why is there a baby?" I asked. "It's Mayor Mills baby." She answered. "What's hi name?" I asked. "She didn't pick a name." Ms. Margaret said. "Can I pick one?" I asked. "Yes you can." A voice said. "Ma Mills! I'm sorr. I didn't see you there." I said. "Sweetie, please pick a name for my baby boy." Ms. Mills said. "I like the name Henry." I stated. "Then Henry it is! Sweetie, would you like to come with us?" She asked. I nodded and started jumping. "Her name is Clarissa, Mayor. This is from her mother." She said. "Here you hold on to this." Regina said. She handed me a ring and I was confused. "It means forever." She said.

*end of flashback*

I felt a tear going down a cheek. Peter came closer and sucked the tear off my face. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "What?" He asked. "You were just yelling at me for lying!" "I don't want you lying at me because I love you and I don't want you turning like me. A monster." Peter said. Emma and Hook looked at me for my choice. I hugged Peter tight and kissed me in my hair. "You have to be under spell Clary!" Emma shouted as hook took her away. 2 hours later Henry came back and I almost hugged him to death. "Anything happen here?" Henry asked. I looked at Peter and I eyed him. "No nothing here." Peter said. I mouthed 'thank you'. I went to Peter's tent and fell asleep.

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