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Hey, listen or read very carefully. I have new books and this one I am working on.

so here is what I will do for Neverland's Queen:

I am doing about 20 chapters and an ending.

I have a trailer already out.

I need you to spread the word about my story.

New book #1:

It's a One Direction Fanfiction

It's called Forced to marry HIM

Harry Styles is the main boy I am doing it on.

I have a trailer that will be release in April.

The book it's self will be release this month.

New Book #2:

Another Peter Pan. Yay!

It's sorta like the hunger games expect for the games part.

The main girl Character is a witch. (A good one)

If you have seen OUAT mid-season 3 finale, the curse used to make a new Neverland is in this book.

It's called 'Lost Girl in Neverland'

I may release it during the summer.

The trailer will be release maybe in a few weeks or the summer.

I know what your thinking. WTF HOW DOES SHE HAVE TIME TO DO THESE BOOKS?! I am spacing the release dates out.

Happy Reading,

Isabel (not my real name, but I like that name so I am using that name for Wattpad)

Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now