My heart is your heart

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"Henry!" Regina,Emma, Snow, charming and I yelled. I ran to my little brother lifeless body. "What did you do to my son?!" Emma yelled. "I didn't do anything to him. He gave me his heart." Pan said. I looked at him then back at my little brother. "I wish for a heart that will save my little brother." I said in a whisper.

Pan's shadow came back with something in his hands. I looked closer to see that it was a heart. I took my heart from the shadow and walked back to Henry. "You demon! First you turn Clary against us then you take Henry's life. What's next? Are you going to kill Clary?!" My mom said.

"I would never kill Clary! I love her so much." Pan said. I looked at him and he continued. "I love you Clary. You are my stars, my sun, my moon and my heart." Pan said. Wait he has new powers. I thought. So, Pan pulled me to him and put his hands on my waist. "I know you love me too. Please stay here with me. Put your heart back in you and let's get back to the camp." Pan whispered in my ear.

I felt his breath on my skin and I saw his hand trying to help me put my heart back in my chest. "Please." Pan begged. "If I go back with you, I want you to a make me a heart." I said. My mother looked at me as I was crazy. "That's impossible!" My mother said. "I will do it." Pan said as his fingers touched my lips. "As long as you promise to stay with me." Pan said. "She will not!" Snow said as she took me away from Pan.

I went to Henry and put my heart in Henry and he woke up. I felt dizzy, Henry got up and sat beside me. "Thank you Clary." Henry said. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." Henry and Pan said.

I blacked out.

Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now