18 year later

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"Henry!" I called as I jumped through the portal. "Clary! No!" Emma yelled. "What the hell?!" Greg said. "Give me back my brother!" I said. "Well well well." An unfamiliar voice said. A boy around my age walked out of the woods. Never forget Neverland! "We're in Neverland." I whispered. "Right you are Clarissa." The boy said. "Who are you?!" Tamara asked. "We're the home office." "The home office is a bunch of teenagers?!"

"Yep. Now give us the children." I was so angry. Nobody calls me a child. "What did you just call me?" I asked as my blood started to boil. "What a child?" The boy said. I found my pocket knife that Bae gave to me and threw it at him but I missed. "Boys! Bring her to the camp!" A few boys appeared and took me away from my brother. "Clary!" Henry screamed as ran from the boys. "I think Pan would like to see you." The boy said. "I'm Felix by the way." Felix said. I went into a tent and a boy gave me a knife back. I put my knife in my back pocket and looked around.

I was so confused. Where I am?! Who's Pan?! I thought. I saw on the dresser silver and gold crowns. One fit for a queen. "Well. You do listen very well." A British voice remarked. I turned to a British boy, taller than me, my age, and really green eyes. "Who are you?" I asked. "You'll find out when the time comes." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer. "Now, love you are on my island. What I say goes!" I grabbed my knife and pinned him to the ground. "You got fire, I like fire." He smirked. God that smirk is cute and he looks so s-WAOH!!!!! Hell no Clary! While I was in thought he pinned me down. "You remind me so much of your mother. Your real one." He said. I looked at him and asked, "You knew her?" "Yes. She was great you know. She came here around your age now." He replayed. He helped me up and tried not to look at me for some reason.


It's her I'm sure of it. She looks beautiful, better than her mother. "I'm nothing like her." She said as I walked out of my tent. "Is it her?" Felix asked me. "I don't know. The only way I will know is if she act kind to me to get on my good side." I replayed. Clarissa came out of the tent and started studying the place. Her beautiful brown hair, brown eyes that make me go wild inside. "You like it Love?" I asked. She looked at me a bit pissed off. "Where's Henry?" Clarissa asked me.

"He's safe. Relax love your mine now." I smirked eviling at her. She rolled her eyes and looked for something. I sneaked behind her and put my arms around her waist. She saw me and punched my ribs and pinned me to the tree. Man! What is it with this girl and pinning people to places?! "Try that again, and I'll make sure you never touch Henry." She threatening me with Henry?! Really Clarissa?! I knew your mother and she did the exact thing to me. "Why?" I asked. "Why what?" Clarissa replayed. "Why do you think I want Henry?" She let me go and I took the dagger from her hand. "Give it back, Pan." She scoffed. Wow. This chick hates me. I stepped closer to her and she backed away from me.

"Answer my question." I ordered. "I guessing something about magic." She smirked because she knew she was right. "Yep. I knew it." I said out loud. "What?" She questioned. "Just like your mother. Everything. Your brave, protective, and fiery. You have her hair, her eyes, her smile, and her lips." The last part made me want to kiss her so bad I don't know if I should let her leave. Clarissa did a tiny smile and I smirked at her. "Pan we have the boy." Felix told me. "Bring Clarissa to the pixie bust tree." I told Felix. He nodded and threw Clarissa over his shoulder and she yelled, "You touch him, I swear Pan you won't see the light of day again!" Now it's time to meet the truest believer that will 'save' magic.

Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now