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Chapter 12


"WHAT?!" I whispered/shouted. "What is your name?" Wendy asked. "Clarissa but the lost boys and Pan call me Clary." I replayed. "Ah. The Neverland Queen." Wendy said. "Clary?" We both heard Felix calling me. "Go." Wendy ordered. I ran to Peter's thinking tree. I love the thinking tree because I can see all of Neverland. "Hey there you are!" A voice said. I turned to see Peter with both of the crowns in his hands.

"Why do you have the crowns?" I asked. He sat beside me and put the crown on my head. "My queen." He whispered. Peter took my hands and kissed my forehead. "What did you mean by we have an island to restore?" I asked. "After your mother left I turned into the monster you saw when you came here. I never forgotten you or your mother. I spend 3 years trying to find you by I couldn't then I started going mad. I destroyed the part if the island that the queen is to rebuild." Peter said. "That's why we have powers." I said. "Since we are both connected, we both have powers." "What happens if one of us dies?" I asked nervously. "We both die but I am not letting that happen to us." Peter held me close and said, "Think of our tent." Suddenly we appeared in our tent. I ran to the mirror and looked at what I have become.

My face was pale, my hair was fuller with a strip of red hair, but the most important thing were my eyes. My eyes were black. I looked at Peter and his now black eyes. "Are the boys asleep?" I asked. Peter nodded and I thought of being in font of Peter so I appeared in front of him. I kissed his sweet lips ever so softly before he made us fall onto the bed. We both laughed and went to sleep. "Soon we will be more powerful than ever."

The next morning I woke up with Peter by my side. I smiled, got out of his grip, and went to the only place I can think. The beach. I saw hook's ship so I'll pay him a visit. "Oi! What are doing on my ship?" Hook asked. "I want some answers." I ordered. "No. Your not safe here. Get off." "No! I need answers. What is my real name? Who is my dad? What powers do I have?" I kept asking question until hook screamed at me. "CLARISSA WENDY JONES! SHUT THE HELL UP!"

We both were quiet until hook spoke. "I'm sorry Clary. What I screamed was your real name. Your my niece and I have been trying to find you before Pan did. When I met you you acted like your mother, brave, smart, wouldn't stop at nothing to get your brother back for your adopted mother. Now your father was my brother Ben. He loved your mother very deeply, but he knows nothing about you..." "Wait what do you mean he knows nothing about me?" I asked. "He left for wonderland when you were born so he has never met you. I was there when you were born. I remembered that you smiled at me when I held you. After you and your mother disappeared, I thought that you would be with Pan but when I got to Pan he told me you were dead." Hook finished and brought me back to shore. "Hook!" I yelled. "Yes?" He smirked. "You can go leave the island." I opened a portal and he went though.

I went back to the camp and Peter came and hugged me to death. "Are you ok?" He asked worrying. "I'm fine Peter. I went to Hook and he told me more about my family." I replayed. "I should have gone with you. Next time let me go with you." Peter held me close. "Pan. The lost boys were wondering if the queen could sing for us." Felix said. "Not today Felix. I have to talk to the queen alone." Peter grabbed me and pulled our tent. "Clary. I need to know where you are. I know we are connected but until you know how to use your powers I need you to stay here." Peter said. I kissed him softly again. I don't know what to say. He bit my lip asking to enter and I gladly gave it to him. He pushed me on the bed and disconnected from my lips and went straight for my sweet spot. "Peter." I moaned. "Who do you belong to?" He asked. "You." I answered. I felt him smile against my skin. "I don't think your ready." He whispered. I nodded. We got off the bed.

Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now