Letters, goodbyes, hellos (Part 2)

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Pain. That is all I can feel is pain. "Breath Clarissa! Breath!" Think shouted. Peter and Felix were both holding my hands. The wind cooled me off. "Ok. You have to push ok?" I nodded and started to cry. I pushed and screamed. Pushed and screamed. Pushed and screamed. Pushed and screamed. "Tinkerbell! she is in pain!" Peter screamed. "Push two more times!" Tink said. I pushed two more times. My first child came out then the second one came out. Tink wrapped them into blankets.

"They are beautiful." I whispered. Peter kissed my forehead and held one of his children. One of them are not breathing. "Tink. Why isn't she breathing?" I asked calmly. "She is but she is sleeping." Tink said. I sighed with relief and took my daughter out of Tink's arms. "Jessica." I said. "Huh?" Peter said. "That is her name." I said. "Jessica I like it." Peter said. "Peter you name our son." I said. "Um......How about Jake?" Peter asked. "Jake...I love it." I exclaimed. Peter gave them both water  from the spring. "Peter? Doesn't that make them stay on the island forever?" I asked. "No. It makes them 16  in about 2 months." "So we will have them instead of giving them up?" I asked. Peter nodded and smiled.

~2 months later~


     My parents told us how we are sixteen and I can't believe it.  "Mom. Why did you do that?" Jake asked. "Because, your father and I wanted you two not to grow up with out us." My mother said. Oh! I forgot to tell you my story. My name is Jessica Emma Pan. I am sixteen years old. for some reason my mom named me after her friends and I have powers. "Dad can we train more?" Jake asked. Jake and Dad always have been together. Ever seen we were five Jake and I trained differently. "My come on Jess, let's go train." Mom said. When we finally reached our training center. "Why hello Clarissa and Jessica Pan." A evil voice said. "what do you want?" Mom said.

 "You are going to give me one of your children or you will die." The green person said. Wait green person, a flying monkey. No nonononononononono.



The wicked witch.



 Hey! Like the twist? Remember my new book is out. Its called 'lost girl in neverland'


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