I'm back......it's really me

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"Clary?!" I heard Emma shouted. I hugged Emma so tight, I swear I think I almost killed her. "Emma. This is Jessica. My daughter." I said. "How. Hi I'm Emma but you can call me Aunt Emma." Emma said to Jessica. I saw someone I haven't seen for so long. Henry. "Clary!" He shouted. He ran and hugged me very tight. "Are you really here?" He asked. "Yeah. I'm here." I said with tears in my eyes. "Mom! Don't cry." Jessica said. "Mom?" Henry asked. "She is my daughter." I said.

After I saw everyone, I went to Granny's and I got greeted with big smiles. "This is your daughter?" Granny asked. I nodded. "Hi! I'm Jessica. Just Jessica." She said. "What do you two need?" Granny asked. "2 hambugers." I said. Jessica looked around the place. "This is where I grew up." I told my daughter. "Jess? Clary?" I turned to see someone I thought I would never see again.


Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now