Come back home Clary!

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Two years. It's been two years here back at StoryBrooke and I feel horrible. With Clary gone, everything has changed. "Henry! Bed!" Mom yelled. My real mom got me and we and Snow and Charming got a big house. "Ok Mom!" I said. I fell asleep instantly.


I was in Neverland but this time was different. I saw Clary but she was running. "Help me! Help me!" Clary screamed. "Henry?" "Clary it's me! Is Pan hurting you?" I said. "No I'm running from Felix. Felix is trying to kill me!" Clary replayed. "What why would he kill you?" "Because he wants me to be his. Peter has given the lost boys a soulmate." "Then come home then!" I screamed. "I can't just leave Pan. Henry we have a child. It's a boy and his name is David." I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my sister, had a child with that monster. "I have to go. I'm sorry. I love you." Clary said. "Mommy!" A boy said. The boy came running to her. "Is daddy ok?" That is the last thing I heard of Clary.

*end of dream*

I need to get my sister and get her out of Neverland.

She is my sister. Blood or not.

Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now