the price I had to pay

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The witch came closer to me. "Well. Aren't you a beautiful?" she said. "Do not touch my daughter!" my mother shouted. "Now Clarissa. Where is Pan?" The witch asked. "Right behind you." My father said. "What do you want with my family?" I asked. "So much like your mother. I have come for an ally." "Ally?" My father said.


"Ally?" I asked. "Yes. I need you to help me destroy the evil queen." she smiled. I looked at my wife and children. All of them with confused looks. "I can't I have to protect my family." I said. "Fine. I guess I have to send your wife back to Stroybrooke." "No! Mom!" My kids screamed and held their mother. "No. Send me to Storybrooke." I said. She smiled as my family looked in fear.

"I and my daughter will go to Storybrooke." Clary said. "No. Clarissa no! You will stay here and I will help her!" I ordered. "Witch. I will go to Storybrooke with my daughter but, I want you to makes us immortal and let us keep our powers." Clary said. She nodded and waved her hand. "You both won't age and you will keep your powers." the wicked witch said.

Clarissa came to me as our kids said goodbye. "I will come back. I promise." I looked in her eyes that I know and I love. I kissed her like I have never kissed her before. "I love you." We said at the time. She and Jessica disappeared.

I will see them again. I will see them again. I will see them again.

Is this the price I had to Pay?

Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now