Letters,Goodbyes, Hellos (Part 1)

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It's been 8 1/2 months since I found out I was pregnant and it's twins. I want my babies to be protected. Peter and the lost boys can't wait for the children but Felix wants to protect the children. Tink said I could have my children any day now. I came of the tent and Peter came up to me. "Love, what are you doing out of bed?" Peter questioned. "I wanted to see tink." I said. "No. Please go in the tent love." Peter said. "Clarissa please listen to Pan." Felix said. I frowned at both of them. Peter followed me and sat in the bed with me. "What's wrong Clarissa?" Peter said. "I want to go somewhere." I whined. "You are pregnant. I want you protected." He said. I kissed his cheek. I felt one of my children kick when his hand was on my stomach. "Pan! The dark one is here." Felix said. Peter looked at me and Felix. "Come on my love." Peter whispered.

We found Rumple by the beach, looking at the waves forming. "Dark One!" Peter shouted. "Hello Dearies!" Rumple smiled at my stomach. "I have a present from Henry and a message from him." "He misses her doesn't he?" Peter asked. Aww he's jealous. I kissed his shoulder and he smiled at me. "Here are these if you two love birds are done." Rumple gave Peter a box. "What's this?" I asked. "A box that your mother left for you." I felt a tear come down my cheek. "After the curse, I knew that something or someone would bring the dark one. You brought me back and I knew that Ben would get Alice in the end. Clarissa, you are the most powerful. Pan may not see it but I do. This has been in my shop for years and the only person that actually thought about it was Henry." Rumple said. I went up to Rumple and hugged him. "Clary. I think of you as my daughter. So I must tell you that I am dying." Rumple said. "What?" I asked quietly. "I am dying." He said. "I must leave you. Train your children well Pan." Rumple disappeared.

We went back to the camp and I went into the tent. Peter came in and so did Felix. I looked in the box and letters and letters and even more letters were in the box. My mother wrote me one for when I was four, ten, fourteen and sixteen. There was one saying 'for my daughter's first pregnancy' I opened it and looked and this beautiful handwriting.

Dearest Clarissa,

You must be pregnant if you are reading this. Your child will be very powerful and you must protect her or him. The dark one should know the child's powers. I fear that the evil queen has made a curse that will send us to a new land where you will forget me.

You were born in Snow white's castle. You see I was traveling around the forest when I was pregnant with you. Hook took me to Snow White's castle and we were together since we were little. Snow was there but, I only had some to bring her back for a week.

My beautiful Clarissa there is nothing I could do but they took you away from me. You are thinking who are 'they' well sweetheart it was Cora and Regina. They wanted to take you and train you to kill Pan and the wicked witch. Pan wanted to have Wendy as Queen of Neverland but I took the powers and put them in you. You are the true Queen of Wonderful Neverland. I think you could be a great ruler. I love you so much.


Your mother

I felt a tear coming down my face. "I knew it! I told you that Alice was up to no good!" Felix said. "I was so stupid." I whispered. "No. You are not stupid. Your mother saved you and Wendy by taking the powers I put in Wendy in you." Peter said. He kissed my cheek to take the tears away. " I love you so much." Peter whispered in my ear. I screamed because I felt a sharp pain the my stomach. "Clary!" Peter and Felix said.

"They are coming!"


Hi! Again. I am putting this into 2 parts but these chapters are separate chapters. I hope you enjoy these chapters.


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