Chapter 13

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Bad Dream

*dream* (3rd person)

Nine months pregnant Clary was in Neverland talking to thinkerbell. "I need a favor Tink." Clary said. "What?" Think asked. "I want you after the baby's born to take it to the world." Clary had tears in her eyes thinking about how he or she will grow up without her or Pan. "Why don't you ask Pan before you make this decision." Think suggested. "No. I know he would not want a child. I don't want him to make me go home." Clary stood up and walked to the camp.

Peter was at skull island with his shadow trying to find out if the baby is a girl or a boy. "It's a boy." The shadow said. "A boy..." Pan trailed off. "Shadow. the story said that I can have 3 children with powers. What happens if we give up one of our children?" "The children will become normal people but be connected with Clary more than you because she is your impossible girl."

"The shadow is right." Pan knew that voice anywhere. Clary. "I am your impossible girl." Clary smirked at that. She knew that ever since she was a little girl. Someone was watching them and it was Felix. You see Felix is Wendy and Pan's child and was jealous of his new brother. Felix came out and he had a crossbow. Felix shot it at Clary. "Peter!" Clary screamed. Peter grabbed her and held her close. Thinkerbell appeared and told them, "there's no way of it." "Peter help our child. I am nothing important. The child is more important." Clary with tears in her eyes. "No you AND our child are important." Pan said. "I love you." Clary kissed him and died in his arms. Pan cried and became a monster again.

*end of dream*


I woke screaming. "Woah! Woah! Are you ok?" Peter asked. I nodded no and Peter held me close. "I dreamed....that you and I and Felix......shot me and our child." I try end explaining. "Nothing is going happen to you and I don't recall that you are pregnant." Peter laughed. "Maybe it's something that's gonna happen. Oh Peter!" I cried and Peter lift my chin up and kissed me. "Better?" "Much better." I said. "Go back to sleep my love." Peter whispered. Calmly I went back to sleep.

Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now