Heart of the Truest Believer

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After our game we went to check on Henry. He came back in the middle of the night again so Peter put him a cage for leaving twice. "Clary! Please get me out of here." Henry begged. "Ok I will little brother." I said. I went to the lost boy that had the key and he fainted. I just looked at him and he fainted. I grabbed the key and slowly made sure that Peter didn't see me. I got Henry out. "Thank you sis!" Henry hugged me and we heard Peter's voice calling me. "There you are! Oh thanks for getting Henry out." Peter said. Henry blocked Peter from me. "I'm not going to hurt Clary, Henry. You need to trust me." Peter said. "No way Pan! You may have fooled Clary but not me! I just want to save magic." Henry said.

"Hey! I'm right here!" I said. Peter smirked and winked at me. I couldn't help but to giggle. "You are going to tonight." Peter said. "WAOH! Don't you think you should train him a bit more." I said. "He'll be fine. Don't worry." Peter said as he put his hands on my small waist. "Whatever happens don't leave this island." He whispered. "Never." I said. Peter got on 'his' rock and called all of us and started to talk. "Tonight Neverland will become whole again. Neverland will get its king and queen back. Tonight Henry will save magic!" All the boys cheered for Henry. "Henry and Clary get ready to go to skull island." Felix said. I went in the tent to get ready. I put my hair in a high ponytail, put my black gloves on, and I grabbed my crossbow that Peter got me. I came out with all the lost boys whistling at me and cheering me.

I finally reached Peter and Henry. A boat was there. "Why aren't we going to fly?" Henry said. "We can't. There isn't that must pixie dust left." I spat for some reason. Peter looked at me and smiled.


It's working! She is turning evil like me. The Neverland Queen is coming and I will have her in my arms. "Are you ok?" I lied. I knew she was feeling evil. "Fine." She lied. I looked in her eyes and they were half black half brown. I grabbed her hand and she smiled. God her smile is cute! I thought. "All right lets go!" I said. We got in the boat. Her hair was in a ponytail. "You ready Henry?" She asked. Henry nodded and said, "I'm ready and I know you'll be there with me." We finally reached the island and I felt like crap. Clary was hurting and I could feel it. I knew it would hurt when she was turning evil but I didn't want to tell her. "Ok let's get started." I said. "I need something from both of you." Henry and Clary looked at each other. Clary asked to break the silence, "what do you need?" "What I need from you my love is your shadow." I said as my hand held her cheek.


"My what?" Clary asked. I looked at my big sister with fear. Her shadow? "Why do you need her shadow?" I asked. "Just in case your heart isn't true." Pan said. That shadow came in and started to rip Clary's shadow. She started to scream with fear but Pan and I held her. She first hugged me then Pan grabbed her and kissed her hard like he was saying I'm sorry. "Now Henry, I need your heart." Pan said as him and Clary got up. He put magic in my hand and I was about to put it in Pan when I saw my moms, dad, grandma, and grandpa came. "Henry don't do it!" Emma yelled. "He is just trying to save himself!" Grandpa James said. "They are lying Henry. Think of all the people you are trying to save." Pan said. "Your saving Clary." He added. I thought of Clary and how she would be happy with Pan and not me. Clary doesn't love me she loves Pan. Clary was looking at everyone with tears running down her cheeks. "I love all of you." I said as they all smiled. "But I have to save magic." I put my heart in Pan's chest.

I blacked out.

Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now