I have to leave

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"No! Absolutely not!" My mom said."I agree with Emma! No Henry!" Snow said. "Mom! Grandma! I have to bring Clary back." I said. "Clary is in danger! Don't you think that Clary would be in danger?! I can bring her home." I said. "Emma. Let me talk to him." Rumple said. I went to my room. "Henry. I bet you that Clary is fine." Rumple said. "Show me." I ordered.


"Clarissa. I will never make you leave." Pan said. "I am scared. What if I lose our child?" Clary said."You will never do that." Pan kissed her lightly. I see Felix trying not to freak out about this baby thing. "I can't wait for the baby. Felix you will be a great uncle." Pan said. "I don't know about this. We should take her to the real world and then after the baby is born bring her back." Felix said.


I can't believe it. He is caring for her. "Rumple. I need you to give this to Clary. Her mother said to give it to her and only her." I said. Rumple nodded as I handed him the box. "What's this?" He asked "Letters from her mother." I replayed. I looked at some of them but I didn't want to do anything bad. "Give them to her." I order. "Anything else. Deary?" Rumple asked. "Tell her I miss her." I Said. With that Rumple left and I went to sleep think about the one person who can help me.



Hello! I wanted to show everyone what Henry Thought. Happy reading! I had a hard time writing this with school and all. So please be nice to me. Spring break I will post the ending of the book but I am still writing. Look out for my new book.



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