I need you

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The next morning I went to the beach and swam for a little while. When I got out, Emma and hook were waiting for me. "Ello, niece." Hook said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Regina never told you?" Emma asked. I nodded no and heard Peter calling my name. "I should go." I said. "Wait you should know that pan is not saving the island. He is just saving himself." Hook said. I ran as fast as I could and I bumped into Peter. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Hook and Emma." Is all I said. Peter looked angry but all he said was, "go make sure your brother is fine." I nodded and left him alone. Henry was fine so I went to find Ellie. "Ellie?" I shouted. I did that for about an hour but Ellie found me and I went in her cot. "Tea?" She said. I nodded yes and she got some sort of tea I never heard of.

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked. She nodded and looked worried. "Is Peter telling me the truth?" "No. I'm sorry but he's not telling you the truth. He is using Henry to gain more power." Ellie said. Those words ripped my heart out. "What do you mean more power?" I asked. "You will find out soon." Ellie guided me out and I went back to the camp. Henry and Peter were talking and I went back to Peter's tent and cried.

Peter heard me and I had to lie. "I was thinking what Hook and Emma said." I said. "What did they say?" Peter asked. "They said I had to leave Neverland when they got Henry and said you were lying to me." I cried. He did lie to me and it hurt but I want to here it from him. "Clary, I'm not lying to you and I am not letting them take you." He said and he kissed my forehead. I was lying to my face and I didn't like it. Henry was gone for a while then came back yelling at Peter.

"Where's my sister? We are leaving!" Henry roared. "You see your sister doesn't want to leave. Neverland needs her." What? "Why do you think I told Greg and Tamara to leave the portal open a few more seconds. Neverland needs her and........I need her." Peter said. I came out with all the boys looking at me. Henry came up and said, "We need to go home Clary." I remembered the deal with Peter. Peter frowned and looked like he was going to cry. "No. I'm staying." Everyone looked at me as my words ringed in my ear. Peter came in the back of me and wrapped in his arms around my small waist. "Really?" He whispered. "Yes. You need me right?" I asked. Peter smiled and and said,"I told you Henry. She doesn't want to leave. " Henry went in his tent for a little while. So, I went Peter's tent and laid on the bed.

Peter got on top of me. He smirked at me then looked at my lips. I knew he wanted to kiss me so I put my soft lips on his. I felt his hands going down to my waist and mine played with his hair making him moan. I smiled at my control right now but he took control again. "I want you." He said. "Clary!" I heard a voice say. "Don't leave me." Peter whined like a little kid. I smiled at him then I played with hair again. He smiled and started to kiss my neck. He started sucking looking for my soft spot and he found it. I moaned loudly and I felt him smirk on my skin. My hands went under his shirt and I heard my name again. Peter looked at me then I removed my hands from his shirt. "I go see what they want." I whispered. I got out of the bed and I saw that Henry was gone. "Felix where's Henry?" I asked. "He's gone and we have to find him." Felix said. I took a crossbow and said, "Felix! Socks! Lets go!" I said. They both nodded as they walked with me.We looked for three hours trying to find Henry but no luck. "Felix! Socks! Clary!" We heard Peter said. "Coming Pan!" Felix said. "I hope nothing happen to Henry." I said.

Neverland's Queen (a Peter Pan /OUAT love story)Where stories live. Discover now