Chapter One

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Genevieve's POV

Running, running, running. That's all I've been doing for the past few days, everyone refused to take in a child such as myself. A child with no parents, an orphan. It wasn't always like that, I once had a family, a beautiful one. But in this world happiness does not last long.

It was warm for the first time in a while, there was an amazing meal prepared, one we hadn't had for awhile.  I suppose living in that time was much harder than now, two thousand years ago the world drastically changed for me.

Back then many people believed in sacrifice, at first it was goats and pigs, until it reached humans. I wasn't expecting it to reach such a high that a whole family, my family, were chosen.

They said it should be a pleasure, for me it felt like a punishment for something we had not done. They dragged us to the fire, screaming in an unknown language. My parents didn't go down without a fight, they scrabbled and scratched. My father released himself, instead of running away he ran to me.

Freeing me from the man he shouted "Run my child!" I did as told, my seven year old body pushing me forward. I ran for days, until exhaustion finally caught up to me, I collapsed in the middle of nowhere welcoming death.

Hours later, I was awoken in a dark place swathed with fur. "You're awake, I was frightened we may have lost you." A young girl, around my age, said quietly. Her purple eyes searching my face, "My name is Violet Adair, everyone calls me Vi. If you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

"Genevieve Carstairs, everyone calls me Jenny. What do you mean by everyone?"

"Our pack." My eyes widened at her phrasing, my father once told me of werewolves and how they always travelled together, I thought it was simply a myth. I frowned at the girl stood in front of me.

"I do not understand.. pack?"

"Well I suppose you mundanes would say family." She said in a questionable tone, almost cold.

"Ah she's awake." A middle aged man walks in, his brown hair sprinkled with snow. He scratches his beard as I watch him curiously, he almost cringes under my gaze.

"I'm sorry for an inconvenience I may have caused you and your.. pack." I say hesitantly, he nods his head.

"Not at all, it seems you no longer have anyone. Perhaps you could stay." He says slowly as if scared of frightening me a way.

I smile kindly and nod, Violet begins to bounce around her purple eyes shining. "Finally, I can have a sister. Come and meet the others Jen, if I can call you that." I smile at the girl before following her out. "Hey!" She shouts out, about ten people turn to her and bow their heads, this in turn confuses me.

"This is our new member Genevieve, treat her with the utmost respect. Understand?" She almost growls. They all nod and turn back to their various tasks.

"Why must you speak to them like that?" I ask truly curious.

"What do you mean?"

"They bowed their heads, showing respect to a child especially a girl is rather odd."

"Yes it is, but it's not when you're the Alpha's daughter?"

"I have heard of 'alpha' it is common in werewolf stories, is it not?"

"Ah a book worm, brilliant. Yes it is."

"It means leader, there was also a beta mentioned who is that?" She points to a boy no more than twenty chopping wood.

"That is Liam, he is the beta."

"What am I?" I say quietly.

"You are my sister, so I'd say you're an Alpha's daughter."

"But I am not a wolf."

"No you're not, but I've been training in combat since I was three. Perhaps I could show you some things." I nod my head enthusiastically. "Brilliant we'll start tomorrow. For now we must eat, you must be hungry." She drags me to a tent with a strong scent of burning meat. 

"What is burning?"

"Oh that's deer, it's an amazing meal."

"Deer... I suppose I could try it." She hands me a cube and gestures for me to speed up. I place the meat inside my mouth and bite down on it. "Fascinating."

"You know I'm just going to pretend I know what you're saying."

"I apologise, I did not know that I spoke a different tongue to you."

"No it's just you use more advanced words, especially for a seven year old."

"Is that a compliment?"

"I suppose sister, now eat up. It's going to be a long day tomorrow."

The Next Day

"You were not lying when you said this would be hard. I do not understand how injuring me will help me to learn." I say loudly.

"Oh unknot your pantyhose sweetheart I was doing this when I was three. Let's go again." Violet says, I sigh deeply before picking the stick up again and pouncing on Violet, this continues everyday for the next few months.

"You have made a lot of progress in these six months J, I'm proud." The middle aged man, who I've come to know as Alpha, Papa and John, says smiling. "Congratulations on taking down Violet."

"Thank you John." I blossomed under his praise before turning to look at Violet, her bruised cheek showing what I had done earlier today. "I express my deepest apologies Vi, but you did tell me to do it."

"Just eat your supper J." She grunts before stuffing more game into her mouth.

"Slow down child you might choke." John says, concerned.

"At least it'll save me from the slow death of embarrassment." She mumbles sending me and John into hysterics. "It's not funny, I've been training for four years and yet she still took me down."

"Perhaps you should take that as a compliment to your teaching skills." John says, Vi considers it for a moment before her mood brightens substantially.

"Very good point Papa." She says happily before turning back to me "I'm proud of you sis."

"Thank you Vi." We eat the rest of our meal in silence before running off to sleep.

"J are you asleep."

"Not anymore, what is it that's wrong Vi?"

"Nothing, I'm happy I found you even though the reasons were not good. I love you little sis."

"And I you." I say before drifting into sleep.

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