Chapter Seventeen

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The Next Day

Annabelle's POV

"What is he doing? If he doesn't come down here soon I'm going to go and get him." I say lowly. 

"It's okay Anna, just leave him be." Mum says from the stove. 

"Why are you not mad? He growled at you." 

"I'm not mad but I am upset." 

"He's so rude. I never growled at you." 

"Anna sweetheart, leave it. If he wants to talk then he will." Vi walks in and takes a seat at the table.

"Where is everyone?" she asks.

"They're in the dining room, eating. Before the others leave." Mum says, she sits down next to her sister and puts her head in her hands. Vi wraps her arm around mum's shoulders, and sighs deeply. 

"He'll be alright, you mustn't worry." Vi says softly.

"I will always worry. About both of them." 

"Mum you don't have to, we're old enough to look after ourselves." 

"Perhaps," She stands up and wraps me in her slim arms, "Both of you will always be my babies, even when you have your own. There is nothing you can do to change that." She squeezes me tighter, "I love you Anna."

"I love you too mum." She pulls away and takes a sharp intake of breath when she senses Luke. He walks over, grabs a drink of water and turns to walk out. I growl deeply causing him to stop and face me. 

"What's wrong with you?" I ask angrily. 

"What do you mean sis? I'm fine." he says nonchalantly. 

"Well mum isn't, not after you growled at her. It's a sign of anger, of hate to us. Especially Alpha's, so how do you think mum took it? After all she is ten times stronger than an Alpha male!" 

"She hurt my mate, she deserved it." 

"She has a name, and mum only touched his shoulder to comfort him."

"Of course, because she is a saint isn't she?" he spits venomously. We gasp at him, he storms out in a fit of rage. 

"Artemis." I say angrily, she appears in her ghostly form beside me.

"What is it child?" she say, her voice harmonic. 

"What is wrong with my brother?" I demand.

"What do you mean?" she asks kindly. 

"He's harsh, cold and is defying orders. He growled at mum, the Queen of the Alpha's." 

"How long has he been acting like this?" 

"Since last night when Adam arrived." 

"Adam is his mate, I know, I put them together centuries ago. So it isn't the mate bond."

"Oh crap." Mum says angrily. "Adam's been cursed." 

"What?" I ask. 

"Adam, has been cursed by a witch. Affecting his mate as well." Vi says. 

"But they haven't even started the mate bond." 

"They are mates, their hearts already beat as one. Their minds think alike, they are already mates." Mum adds. "So they affect each other in different ways, the witch has made the good feeling the mate bond is supposed to create turn into a bad feeling. Changing Luke's mood and temperament, this needs to be amended before they leave in a few hours." We nod along to mum's words before sprinting up the stars to Luke's room, where the boys currently reside. Mum throws open the door and walks in, "Adam, here now." she demands.

"You don't speak to him that way." Luke shouts. 

"Enough boy, be silent I have things I must do." Mum's wolf makes it's appearance, due to the lack of respect. Luke cowers under her silvery gaze. She walks over and grabs Adam's chin, he flinches at the suddenness. Her eyes bore into his, his eyes search her face for any familiarity but her wolf had taken over. "ono weohnata waíse free abr du curse sem inhabits onr body. du curse's maker waíse gone fra onr hugr, atra freedom astorí ono into thäet's arms, atra thäet consume ono. atra thäet set ono ablaze oth ástar. give yourself arúnd eom du garjzla." she chants multiple times. 

"What is she saying?" I ask Vi. 

"You will be free of the curse that inhabits your body. The curse's maker be gone from your mind, let freedom welcome you into it's arms, let it consume you. Let it set you ablaze with love. Give yourself over to the light. It's and old spell, something we were taught a while ago. It overrides any spell cast by any witch." She says softly. 


"Because we were made stronger, faster, smarter than them. So that if anyone on this planet breaks our rules we have the power to enforce them." Vi says, just as mum snaps out of the trance. She stumbles for a moment before regaining her composure, she stares at Adam making sure that the curse had been banished. 

"Mum, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I don't know what happened." Luke pleads desperately. 

"Luke sweetheart, it wasn't your fault. A witch cast a curse on Adam therefore it affected you." She pulls him to her chest and kisses his forehead. "Oh my baby, I love you. You know that right?" 

He nods quickly, "I love you too mum." He says between sobs. 

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay." She strokes his hair until he calms down, once calm she hands him over to Adam who embraces him just as tightly. "Come child you are leaving today, as are many others. We must say goodbye. Vi could you call a pack meeting?" Vi nods and her eyes glaze over. 

'Everyone to the meeting room please.' Vi says through the mind link, everyone scurries to comply. 

"Hello everybody, today is bittersweet. My son, the prince, has finally found his mate." Everyone claps in celebration, "But many are leaving to go to the warfront, to fight for the humans. We will not see them for a while and that is truly tragic, but they will all return to us, safe and sound." They clap again and we head towards the front door. All of those leaving embrace their mates and other family members before standing in front of Gen. "I am immensely proud of all of you, I know you will do many great things out there." Their chests puff up in pride. She touches each of their shoulders and pushes the protection spell into them. 

They bow their heads before shrugging their bags on and heading out of the door. Many cry at their departure, but most just clap wishing them the best. "Goodbye my boys." Mum whispers before shutting the door behind them. 

"Okay, I understand you are upset but we have our duties that we must tend to. Please disperse, duties end two hours early tonight. Thank you all." 

"Thank you Alpha." We all say simultaneously before heading off to our respectful areas, unfortunately for me I'm on border duty which means standing around and doing nothing for three hours. Brilliant. 

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