Chapter Fourteen

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April 1876

Genevieve's POV

"Aunt Gen, look what I found." Blake says to me, I smile at my nephew. He may have been conceived in one of the worst ways possible, but him and his brother have grown gorgeously. None of Brandon's, sorry it's, genes have found it's way into their brains. Before you ask, yes. Blake and his twin Zeke are Brandon's children, they were conceived when Violet was raped all those years ago.

"What is it?" I ask softly. 

"Jess says it's our one hundredth birthday present." he says cheekily. 

"Is it now? Then what resides within the box?"

"The new contraption, something called a telephone." 

"Oh, why on earth would you need one of those. You have a mind link." 

"Yes, buuttt all the humans have them. And we do attend one of their schools, might as well fit in." 

"Oh sweetheart didn't you know?" I pause for affect, "You don't fit in." Him and I laugh for a few moments, before Cas comes in. "Where's Clara?" I ask him, when he got back from the Water Wave pack he and Clara found out they were mates. We celebrated both Annabelle and Matthew  and Castor and Clara, it was a brilliant celebration. Both were mated and married by the end of the month. 

He smiles at the mention of her name before returning his composure, "She's with the rest of the pack in the other room."

"Did you get Violet?"

"I tried, but she refused. Sorry Gen, I don't think she's ready yet."

"I know, it's starting to worry me. She's been practically catatonic for a century, she didn't even come out of it for her children." I sigh deeply to calm myself before heading to the other room. I climb the stairs to the stage and wait for the conversations to finish. Over the last century our pack has grown by hundreds, we now have three hundred Lycans under our command and protection. I smile at the pack, and straighten my back. "As you know the Alpha convention is being held here this year." 

Alpha con is something I set up so that the Alpha's of all the packs can sort out their issues and help each other in the growing threat of Rogues. They nod enthusiastically, "So we need to make sure everything is ready, as you have probably already noticed I have built a guest house for this generation in the field and many of you have been assigned specific duties to aid our guests. Does anyone have any questions or problems with anything at the moment?" 

Nobody raises their hand so I carry on, "Brilliant, as you know we have a few new arrivals and I expect you to treat them well. Help them if they need it please. Many have also finished their training, so could we give those who have a round of applause?" 

Everyone claps for a minute or so before stopping. "We also have a graduation ceremony tomorrow for those who will start going to the human school next year." they erupt in happiness, making me smile brightly. "And last but not least, we have the three new pack doctors who have finished medical school, who will be joining Esther in the hospital." Ester is our healer, she also gained the power of healing and is always helping many people. She's was fifty when she was turned that was around sixty years ago, she carries a comforting aura around her which helps to calm the new arrivals. 

"Thank you for your attention, please return to your duties." they disperse, heading to their respectful areas. "I'm going to check on Violet." Cas nods and heads off to complete Beta duties. Ever since Vi was raped we've been giving her space, sometimes I wonder if we have given her too much, so Castor became my Beta until Vi is ready to resume her post. 

"Violet." I say as I knock on the door. 

"Yeah." she says so softly that a human wouldn't have heard. 

"How are you feeling?" 

"As good as I could be, under the circumstances." I study her for a moment, from the dark circles surrounding her eyes to her pale skin that hadn't seen the sun in so long. Her wolf is dangerously restless within her, filled with rage. The poor thing hadn't been out since Violet lost control five years ago. 

"Violet, you must understand. This happened a long time ago, I know I promised you space but this is ridiculous. You don't eat, you don't sleep. Hell, I even raised your children for you. I've come to believe that we have given you too much space, that I have helped you endanger yourself. I refuse to let you wallow in your sorrows for any longer." I pull her from the chair and push my healing energy into her curing her tiredness and weakness. She sighs softly before pulling away and sitting back in the chair, staring at the wall. "Get up and get dressed." I demand. 


"Enough, you know I hate to do this but if I must then I will." I wait for a few more seconds, not receiving my answer, I carry on "Get up and get dressed." I say in my Alpha tone. She resists for a moment before giving in. "I'll see you downstairs in a minute." She grunts in reply and continues to change. 

I take that as a cue to leave and head down to the kitchen, I was going to start dinner until I saw Clara sat on the counter, Castor between her legs. They were practically eating each other. "Hey, I cook on that counter. You filthy cretins." I say jokily, before smacking Castor around the head, "You have a room for a reason you know." 

"But it's no fun in there, we like to-" Cas begins. 

"NO! NOT MY INNOCENT EARS!" I shout. Cas and Clara laugh.

"You're anything but innocent Gen." I pull a face and start to cut up the vegetables, when Vi comes in. Castor's face contorts in surprise. "Violet?" 

"Yes Castor it's me." 

"Violet how nice of you to join us, perhaps you could help me with the vegetables?" I say softly.

"Of course." she grabs a knife and begins to cut through the beans. I smile at the normality of it, something I haven't had in a while. 

"MUM!" Luke shouts.

"IN THE KITCHEN!" he sprints in, and stops abruptly when he sees Violet, he shakes his head and continues on. "What is it?" 

"There's a man at the door for you." I frown in confusion, I haven't met any men lately. I walk towards the front door and pull in open. 

"Queen Genevieve." He says reverently. 

"Who are you? What are you doing on my territory?" 

"My name is Brett Calver. I'm the Alpha of the DarkMoon pack. Here for Alpha Con." 

"Oh alright, you're a day early. This must be your Beta Richard." Richard nods at me, "And your Luna Katja?" 


"Okay, Luke darling."

"Yes mum?"

"Could you show the guests to their chambers." 

"Of course." Luke takes their bags and takes them out back to the guest house. 

"You don't trust him, do you?" Cas asks. 

"Not at all, his father, the previous Alpha was an ass. He ignored every rule in the book, I fear he may follow in his father's footsteps." I say warily. "Keep a close eye on him, he may be a loose cannon." 

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