Chapter Twenty

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Genevieve's POV

"That was fun." Vi says from across the room.

"Of course it was, I'm still interested in that language though I must find a way to study it." I say deep in thought.

"Stop, it's not like you'd understand it anyway." Vi announces.

"Don't be such a grouch Hun." I grin at her before opening the door to my office and taking a seat at the desk. Jess comes running in moments later, red from exertion. "What is it Jess?"

"The Blood Stone Pack, its Alpha he needs supervising." She says.

"Why is that?" I ask curiously.

"Because he just kicked out three young children, they stumbled on to our territory covered in blood."

"Where are they now?"

"Stood outside." She says heavily, still out of breath I see.

"Come on." I throw open the door startling the young things, their eyes shoot up and they smile when they realise who I am.

"We're sorry we came on your territory, we didn't know where else to go." They young girl with light blonde hair and blue eyes, similar to mine says. Her friend, who looks a lot like her nods as well. I look down into his arms to see a baby, couldn't be more than three months old. I gasp.

"Prepare them a room, they will join the pack once I've dealt with this alpha." I say through gritted teeth.

"Thank you Your Majesty." The young boy says. "I'm Ashley, this is my twin sister Morgan." He gestures to the young girl, "And our younger sister Clarice."

"Welcome to the Lycan pack, children. I hope you feel at home here." They nod and scurry off after Jess who leads them to the west wing of the house. Vi comes up behind me, grimacing at the state of the children.

"You're leaving?" She asks softly.

"Not for long, I'll go undercover and find out what he's like and why he did this, then I shall decide what to do. You'll be alright, I'll visit everyday that I'm gone." She nods and gives me a tight hug. I transport myself outside the gates out of the eye line of the guards.

I magically strip until I'm down to my underwear, then cover myself in cuts, bruises and scars, I add the Rogue smell in and hide my power inside me, stopping me from projecting my aura.

I pretend to stumble over to the gate, the guards see me and I pretend to pass out. After a few moments the gates open and I'm lifted into warm arms, I keep the unconscious ruse up until I'm placed on a bed.

That's when my acting starts, I shoot up and start screaming, high pitched and extremely loud. "Hey, hey calm down you're safe. You're safe." A comforting voice comes from the corner. My mouth almost drops open when I see him, gorgeous green eyes, messy hair and washboard abs.

I shake myself from my reverie and keep the scared act on, I push myself as far back as I can, causing him to walk forward. I whimper slightly, he frowns deeply, "What did they do to you?" He asks me quietly.

At those words I force tears to flood my face, he pulls me into his arms and I must say I'm enjoying it. But he can't know that. I thrash around for a few moments before finally giving in, I sniffle a few times he seems to take this as a signal to let me go.

"Are you feeling better now?" He says, taking a seat on the bed, I nod slightly. "What's your name?" He takes my hand, to try and calm me down.


"Like the Queen?" He asks, I nod slowly.

"My mum loved her." Tears spring to my eyes when I think of her. He gathers me up in his arms, after a few moments the door slams open causing me to jump and bury my face in the boys neck.

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