Chapter Twenty Four

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Jesse's POV

"Wait so you're saying that if you mark me and I mark you, I become a Lycan?" I ask puzzled, I didn't know that happened. She nods with sad eyes, "Which comes with a power and immortality." She nods again. I exhale sharply, causing Gen to pour another drink and down it in own go.

'You'll also become the King of all Alpha's, become the Alpha of this pack and your pack will obviously join this one." She says, before her head snaps up to some commotion downstairs. We sprint towards the lounge where a fight seems to have broken out. Gen sprints over and pushes them apart, "Luke what on earth where you thinking?" she says.

So this is the famous Luke, he looks Gen's age, I immediately see red. I growl deeply and stalk towards this Luke. "Mine." I growl, Gen looks at me in surprise.

"He's my son." She says, I stop growling and apologise quickly explaining what happened. Luke nods his head and turns back to his mother. That though alone made me cringe, she didn't wait for me like I did for her. But she has been alive for 2000 years and a girl has needs. "What happened?" She asks softly.

"He," Luke points to one of my pack members, "Tried to kill Adam."

"I didn't know he was part of the pack, just that he was a leech." Luke growls at the vulgar term Jake used to call Adam.

"Luke sweetheart, calm down. Go and talk to Adam, I'm sure he needs you right now." Luke nods and sprints off. "Now that's over where is my beautiful granddaughter." She says excitedly. A girl steps out of the circle and walks towards her. "Annabelle this is my mate Jesse, Jesse this is my daughter Annabelle."

She shakes my hand quickly, "It's nice to meet you." I say, she nods sharply before a guy comes up behind her.

"Be nice sweetheart." He says into her ear. "I'm Matthew, this feisty ones mate." He shakes my hand.

"Pleasure." I say, before slipping my arm around Gen's small waist making her jump. Violet pushes her way through the crowd and launches herself on her sister, making my little angel laugh.

"Call a pack meeting." She says to Violet, whose eyes glaze over quickly, then everyone makes their way to the main hall. "You might want to call your pack to." I do just that and Gen takes her place in front of them all with a huge smile on your face. "It's amazing to see your faces again, I know I haven't been gone for long but I couldn't help but miss you. As you all know we have a new pack joining our ranks today,"

My pack cheer loudly, before Gen shushes them quickly, "I want them treated with the utmost respect. I know that you're probably getting antsy because of the change in me, so I'll tell you. I found my mate." They clap happily for their Queen, "And that's part of the reason I brought you all here today, because you have a right to meet him." She gestures for me to join her on the stage, I look out over the thousands stood in front of me. It doesn't faze me in the slightest, perhaps thats why the moon goddess chose me to be the Alpha King.

I walk over and stand next to her, many of the females wolves and Lycans swoon at my looks. I grimace in disgust. "Everyone meet Jesse Rivers, my mate and your King!" she shouts into the microphone and everyone roars in happiness. She grins at me, "I know you all love to party, so to the garden." Every piles out of the closest door, me and Gen following close behind.

She walks over to the front and floats into the air, she spreads her arms wildly and the whole garden is decked out with everything you could need. She then throws her arms up and spark ignite making fireworks. After the show she drops back to the floor and sprints over to me. "I believe we didn't finish our talk." She says and grabs my hand dragging her back to her room.

I inhale deeply, relishing the strength of her scent. "So what power do you think I'll have?" I say nonchalantly.

"You're saying yes?" She asks full of hope, and a light so intense.

"Of course I am, I can't live without you." I say, and tears spring to her eyes she pounces on me and wraps her arms tightly around my neck.

"Still my favourite place in the world." She mumbles into my neck, the feel of her breath against my neck sending shivers down my spine. This feeling alone made me pull away and plant my lips on hers. She tenses in surprise before relaxing into the kiss, she pushes herself closer to me. I wrap her legs around my waist and push her against the wall, I lick her bottom lip asking for entrance she grants it almost immediately. I start to kiss along her jawline and down her neck, she gasps and arches her back when I reach her sweet spot. "Mark me." She pleads.

I extend my canines and pierce her neck, she lets out a sharp gasp. I pull my teeth out and lick away the blood, I feel her thoughts crash into mine, she looks into my eyes for confirmation. "Are you sure you want this?" She whispers.

"Without a doubt." When the last word leaves my mouth her canines plunge into my neck sparking a transformation in my body. I feel my power and strength grow substantially, it stops abruptly.

"How do you feel?" She asks, frightened of the answer.

"Amazing." I say before taking her lips with mine. We kiss for a few more minutes, Gen breaks the kiss and pulls away. Causing me to growl, she pecks my lips quickly before lowering herself to the floor. "Why are you doing that?" I ask, and tighten my arms around her waist.

"I have to talk to my mother." She says with a smile. "Artemis." She whispers softly, and a blue tinted woman appeared by the side of the bed.

"Finally, I thought you'd never find him." Moon Goddess, or Artemis says.

"Thank you mother." Gen says and wraps the ghostly figure in a hug.

"Of course my darling." Just as the last word leaves her mouth Violet throws open the door.

"Mum!" She shouts and pulls Artemis into her arms.

"Hey guys," they all turn their heads to me, "That fight at mine earlier, who were you talking about?"

"Shit, I forgot about that." Gen says, rubbing her face with her hand.

"Some bitch from our past. How the heck is she still alive?" Violet asks.

"She is a witch, perhaps she made some potions." Gen says.

"Or she could've been turned." Artemis suggests.

"Then why would she need the human sacrifices?" Gen asks.

"Perhaps a friend."

"Bloody woman, should've known." Gen shakes her head in anger.

"Who are you talking about?" I ask again.

"My mother." Vi says. Well that took me by surprise.

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