Chapter Seven

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Genevieve's POV

We arrive outside the gates to the Bloodstone Pack, and look up at the sentries lining the fence. "We've got Rogues!" I hear a woman shout into the pack house. 

"Ridiculous." I mutter. Before using my powers to throw open the gate.

"What the hell?" a teenager says before Vi throws him into the pack house. I send out a message using my mind making many cover their ears trying to stop it. 

"Get me your Alpha now!" I shout to those near me, they nod and scurry off in hopes of finding their Alpha. A few minutes later a tall, well built man walks in. 

"Ah two women, what will you do? Clean us to death?" he says cockily.

"Don't talk down to me boy. I could kill you in seconds." I say coldly. 

"Yes and I'm the King." he says sarcastically.

"Perhaps I should tell you who we are. Could clean up the situation."

"I'm sure none of us has heard of you but go on." he says, his cocky facade locked in place.

"My name is Genevieve Adair and this is my sister Violet." his face pales, "We were sent here by the Moon Goddess to root out those who would take your throne from you, but since we are only women why don't we leave you to deal with that yourselves." we turn to leave.

"Wait I'm sorry." he says before kneeling on the floor and bowing his head, his whole pack follows shortly after. 

"Good, now back to business." me and Vi open our minds and let everyone's thoughts flow in. We analyse all of the thoughts rooting out those with dangerous or traitorous thoughts. I grab many buy the collar and line them up to the side, Vi does the same. "You work with the rogues, why?" I demand. 

"We needed the money, besides we think that the beta." he points to another in the line up "Is a more worthy Alpha than the actual Alpha." 

'Kill them.' I hear mother whisper through the mind-link.

'Don't have to tell us twice.' I put my hand up and pull their hearts from their chests leaving the Beta behind. "This will teach others not to communicate with Rogues."

"You're a psycho." the Beta spits out.

"Perhaps, but I just saved many people from a civil war by killing ten rogue wolves. Ever heard of the greater good?" I whisper before pushing my hand through his chest and pulling his heart out, I turn and everyone is staring stunned at me except Vi. I wave my hand and everything indicating the death disappears. "There your problem is fixed, I shall see you again Alpha Reynolds." he bows his head in respect, I grab Castor's hand and return to the house. 

"That was interesting." Castor whispers. 

"Well what can I say?" I say through a laugh. "Your room is the second on the right upstairs, help yourself to food and other things. For now we just have to wait for your powers to start manifesting." he nods and heads up to what I assume is his room. "I'll start cooking at around five, we'll probably have some sort stew, perhaps ragü. Your favourite." Vi smiles and heads off towards her art room. 

I walk into the kitchen at five and begin to chop vegetables and the lamb for supper, after an hour or so the food is ready and placed on the table with the bread. "Supper is ready." they both come speeding into the kitchen and take their seat at the table. 

"Who's the fourth bowl for?" Castor asks, I think the name 'Artemis' and mother pops up at the end of the table. "Moon Goddess?"

"Yes Castor, I sometimes eat Gen's food." She says softly. 

"Do you need to?"

"No sometimes I just like to eat human food." 

"Oh, there's been something on my mind for a while now." he says. 

"What is that child?" her melodic voice calms his anxiety down quickly.

"Why did you choose me for this life?" 

"Because you were destined for it, there will come a day when you realise why." 


"Are we going to tell him?" Vi asks.

"Tell me what?" he asks. 

"My real name, if you say ever say it I will appear next to you. However if others know my name they can use it against me."

"You can trust me."

"I know that. My real name is Artemis, you mustn't speak it in public. Now that you have joined the pack your mind-link to me will be good enough."

"Will everyone in the pack have a link to you?" he asks.

"No only you three." he nods and finishes off his food quickly. "This is brilliant Gen." 

"Thank you mother." 

"Now girls,  soon I shall start creating more Lycans and you shall recruit them and train them. You will lead them together. First you must train Castor up and you must make the house bigger again to accommodate the new people that shall join you a few years from now." 

"Why can't you start making them now?" Vi asks.

"Because you must become closer to each other, a stronger leadership." 

"Me and Vi have known each other for about 1200 years! How much longer must we be alone?"

"I know you are lonely, but soon you will be a full pack. One that is revered and loved." 

"We understand mother. Train him up, renew the house again and then we will recruit others." Vi  announces before heading back to the art room. 

"We'll see you tomorrow mother." she smiles and disappears. Castor leaves the room leaving me to clean the plates. I exit the house and stand on the front garden looking at the trees that we grew our first time harnessing earth, tending to the flowers that have grown again this spring. I admire our work, over the years our field has grown beautifully, the house has been renewed ten times since then to blend in with the era. I turn to the house and begin to imagine it growing, more rooms adding to it: bedrooms, dining rooms, lounge areas. Once I've finished the inside I change the colour of the house adding a different type of pattern with columns running up the middle. I grow roses and wrap them around the columns, I grow more flower beds and extra vegetable patches. Adding a new well in for more water, I smile at my accomplishment before calling Vi outside. "Do you like it?" 

"It's beautiful. Come on we have to go to sleep we have to start the training tomorrow. And you know how exhausting that is."

"Yes I do. I think the combat training will be the hardest." 

"Yes I believe so too. Let's hope tomorrow will be a good day."  

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