Chapter Thirteen

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Jess' POV

Unbelievable, our old leader, our brother did that to someone who was nothing but nice to us. And then had the audacity to challenge the strongest Alpha to ever walk the planet! At least he'll be lucky enough to be killed by the Queen of the Alpha's. "Alpha Gen, please don't do this. Just throw him in the cells or something." I ask cautiously, I may not like him but that doesn't mean I want to see him torn to shreds. 

"I'm sorry Jessica but what he did to my sister, he deserves this. What would you do if he did it to Ali instead? Would you let him get away with what he did? Or would you kill him in the most horrible way possible?" She says coldly, I shrug and bow my head. 

"That is where we are different, child." She pulls my head up gently with her finger, "I would mangle anyone who did this, to Vi, to you, to Ali, Annabelle. If I let him go it could be to someone else and I refuse to let that happen. Do you understand?" she says her voice cracking. 

"Yes, I just have one more thing I don't understand." 

"And what is that?"

"You sound upset, why?"

"He's my pack member someone who I let close to my family and he turned on me. Which in turn forces me to turn on him and I don't want to do that. I just don't have a choice, I've been backed into a corner one I'm afraid I can't leave until that bastard is torn to shreds. I'm sorry once again Jess."

"It's okay, in someways I believe he deserves it. But do you know what frightens me the most?" she shakes her head softly, "That if we hadn't have come here, it could've been me or Ali that this happened to. And I feel bad for being slightly relieved it was Beta Violet that it happened to. I'm sorry." I bow my head waiting for a punishment. 

"No, it's okay. I understand." My head shoots up at her words, "Vi is strong, it may take her awhile but she'll be okay. It's okay to feel like that because we are seen as your superiors, we'd much prefer the bad things happen to us than you." 

"Excuse me." A soft, feminine voice sounds from behind us. I turn around to see a blonde girl, with brown eyes, her body covered in bruises. "I was wondering what's going on?" 

"You must be Violet's friend, the one that was found by the gates." Gen says quietly so as not to spook her. "A wolf fight is about to commence, you may watch if that is what you wish."

"Someone challenged your power?" she asks hesitantly. 

"Yes, and I intend to show them what a big mistake they made." she pulls her jacket off and places it to the side before shifting into a gorgeous white wolf, her eyes the colour of the silver moon. I smile, proud knowing that she's my Alpha. She bares her teeth at Brandon, her eyes glowing with anger. 

"You still have time to back out, Alpha." he sneers disrespectfully. She growls deep in her throat, before throwing her head back and howling. 

'Never.' she says through the mind link. He nods and shifts into his black wolf, which was a lot smaller than Gen's. Gen grins a wolfy smile and pounces on Brandon. He rolls his shoulders and throws her off, she barks in anger before biting in his left leg biting so hard it snaps. He yelps and twists about trying to release his leg from her iron grip, without realising he's making it worse. Giving up on that tactic, he drags his claws down her back, tearing her skin. She whimpers slightly before snapping her jaws on his neck. He thrashes in her hold, practically sealing his fate. Realising his fate he brings his powers out, his eyes glow as he conjures the dead from their rest. 

I hear a burst of laughter come from Gen, Brandon frowns slightly in confusion. 'You don't get it boy, I have all of the powers... Including yours.' she casts the dark shadows away before stalking towards Brandon's dying form, 'You don't get to die, not yet.' she grabs his right leg and pulls it from his form, she follows suit with his other limbs, at this point he's drifting away. The last thing I expected happened next, she grabbed his Crown Jewels within her teeth and tore it away from him. He howls in pain, 'This was mercy. Remember that.' she says before shifting back and casting fire upon his furry figure. He whimpers in pain for a few moments before his body crumbles to ashes. 

Gen spits the blood from her mouth, and cleans herself up with her powers. I bow my head, before turning to the girl beside me, who's white as a sheet. "You okay...?

"Clara. And yes I'll be okay, that was just a bit graphic that's all."

"Well if it's any consolation, he deserved it." she nods slightly and sprints towards Violet when she comes out of the house into the garden. 

"How'd it go?" she asks Gen harshly, Gen doesn't look fazed in the slightest. She nods, acknowledging her bad mood, before pointing to the pile of ash which sits in a mound on the grass. "Good, what did you do before burning him alive?"

"Tore each of his limbs off." Gen says coldly. 

"Don't forget his rather small package." I add happily, Vi and Gen grin and hug each other. "Hey, where's Cas? Or Moon Goddess for that matter?"

"Cas is doing business at the Water Wave pack and mother not entirely sure." Gen answers quickly. "Cas'll be back by the end of the week. Come on everyone off to bed, we have a long day tomorrow." we nod and skip off to our rooms. I watch from my window as Gen and Vi sit down on the deck. They sit in silence for awhile before Gen speaks up, "I don't know how you want to be treated after this, so I need you to tell me." 

"I'm not sure either sister, I feel numb and distant. Like when Papa died." 

"I know, but Violet you are strong. And you have a loving family to help you through this, we will give you space as long as you want. But one day you'll be okay again, he will be cast from your mind like a drawing you despise." Vi giggles softly at that, "One day you will find the one person you will spend your eternity with and on that day, you'll never feel better. And neither will I, because you will finally be okay again. You'll always be my sister no matter what happens."

"I just feel so dirty and used." 

"Oh sweetheart, soon that feeling will fade." she wraps her arm tightly around her sister comfortingly, I can't help but envy the relationship they have. I shake my head clear of the thoughts before climbing under the sheets and falling asleep. 

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