Chapter Fifteen

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Genevieve's POV

Alpha's have been arriving constantly throughout the morning, many treating me as a woman, rather frustrating I must say. Many don't believe in our power, others however bow and treat us with the respect we have earned over the years. Luke scurries from room to room, desperately trying to find his mate, I watch mildly concerned. "Child, calm down." I whisper to him.

"I'm sorry, I'm just restless. What if he's here?" He whispers back, I found out a while ago that my son is attracted to his own gender, he was frightened to tell me but in the end he realised I would not treat him any different than I have for all his life.

"Listen," I pull him to face me, holding his shoulders to keep him still. "If it is your time then you will find him, for now wait patiently. Your grandmother will find you that one person when she believes you are both ready of it. Okay?"

He nods tightly and joins the pack. I stand on the stage and watch over them as the other packs Alphas' mingle with them. An Alpha in particular catches my eye, the DarkStone one, Brett I believe. He catches my eye and smiles, I return the gesture and turn to Cas. "Anything out of the ordinary?" I ask him.

"Not unless you count the fifty Alpha's currently residing on our premises, or the fact that Violet has left her room, what about Luke and his restlessness?"

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry about the extra trouble. Has Violet been of any help?"

"She's trying, she's been spending most of the time with Blake and Zeke."

"I suppose that's a good thing, it's just she has a main part in this pack and she's throwing it away. I appreciate all of your help."

"Of course Gen, you're my sister I wouldn't have it any other way." I hug him quickly before turning and addressing the crowd.

"As you all know Alpha Con has begun." they cheer happily. "This week will be not only the meetings but the celebrations that we all enjoy. If you have any queries about anything this week please come and talk to me or a member of my pack, and make sure to enjoy yourself." they continue their conversations and help themselves to food and drinks.

"This is ridiculous, why on Earth did we set this up?" Vi says from behind me.

"Nice of you to make an appearance and you know why."

"Yeah it was Papa's dream." she says coldly. I study her for a few moments until I realise what she's doing.

"Let's talk in my office." we walk straight to my office, I lock the door behind me and soundproof the walls with my power. "Enough."


"Stop acting like a spoilt brat, I have given you everything, we have given you everything. You treat us like we have done nothing but hurt you, you will stop or I will resort to something different. Understand?"

"I'm the older sister, I'm the one in charge."

"Is that what you think? I haven't spent the last ninety years hiding, I haven't forced my own children onto my younger sister, I haven't unloaded my power onto my younger brother."

"I had to do those things! I was raped for goodness sakes!"

"Yes many decades ago! You must get over this, we have lost many people, we have done unspeakable things. If you do not fix these issues then you will endanger yourself, me, your children, the pack. And I refuse to let you do that." I finish there and storm out of the room, I sprint straight to the garden, I shift and sprint towards the waterfall.

When I get there I shift back and dress quickly, I drop down at the top and let go of the tears. Vi and I haven't argued for years, we've always seen eye to eye. It seems Brandon not only destroyed my sister's life but mine too. I curse a few profanities before laying back on the grass, I shoot back up and cross my legs beneath me. I choose to conjure water, I imagine the good and bad feelings taking over my heart.

This is something unique to me as Violet has not yet learnt to control water, as she lets the dark feelings over take her. I make the water flow around me, I feel myself lift up off the ground joining the water in the air. I twist myself around and float in the air. "Whoa." I hear from below me. I groan internally before lowering myself to the floor.

"Mr Calver, how may I help you?" I say lowly. Trying to hide my agitation, his attitude and demeanour is quite possibly one of the most annoying things that I have ever been close to.

"I was just coming to talk to you about something."

"Perhaps you could ask me tomorrow during working hours."

"I'm afraid this is rather urgent."

"Fine, what is it?" I reign in my anger and settle myself.

"Well." He launches himself at me and locks his filthy mouth on mine, I push him off and began violently rubbing my lips to get rid of him.

"That was vile." I say through gritted teeth preventing me from killing him.

"It wasn't for me, ever since I heard about the infamous Queen of the Alpha's, I wanted to become her mate to become the most powerful Alpha ever, to be the King. And when I saw you it only made me want you more."

"You are not my mate, my mother did not choose you for me. Which means you are not fit to be the King of the Alpha's, to be him you must be kind, caring and you mustn't care to much for power otherwise it'll be snatched from you. I have learnt for the last two millennia to control the power that I wield and to use it only when I need to. You are not worthy for the power that I could grant you, if you ever try that again I will tear you to shreds. And I'm sure your mate Katja will be happy to help me."

"She is not my mate, you are whether you accept it or not. Genevieve."

"You are too much like your father for my liking, you may address me as Alpha or Queen only the people that I trust may call be Genevieve. Now take your Luna and your Beta and leave my grounds."

"What about Alpha Con?"

"Brilliant point. Since I quite like your Beta and his mate, I think I might transfer your Alpha powers to him and your mate's Luna power to his mate. That would fix all my problems."

"You can't do that."

"Oh?" I begin to chant under my breath, a transference spell, to move his powers to his Beta Richard. During this I transport us back to the house, in front of the packs that I had Castor bring together a few moments ago. Brett drops to his knees along with Katja, Richard and Claire- Richard's mate- "This man has betrayed his power as an Alpha, therefore the power will be transferred to his Beta- Richard."

"What?" Richard asks, stunned. "Why me?"

"Because that is what I have chosen. Do you accept your new role as Alpha?" Brett gives Richard a warning look, trying to stop him from accepting.


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